20 New Tumblr Ways To Give an Iconic Hello

Tumblr introduced us to a lot of internet interests, from fandoms to funny story textposts, memes to ways to give the most iconic hello. The mid-2010s were the prime time for Tumblr love, and sometimes it’s nice to look back on those times with nostalgic feelings and reminisce about the trouble we got into on our favorite forum website. Here are some of our favorite Tumblr moments that introduced us to our iconic hello phrases that made us unique and original.
1. I Like Your Shoelaces (Thanks, I Got Them From The President)
Anyone that was anyone on Tumblr knows that the most iconic hello of them all was “I like your shoelaces.” If you met another Tumblr user out in the wild, you would say this key phrase, and they would reply with the equally important “Thanks, I got them from the President.” Zany, weird, and undeniably unique, this was our favorite Tumblr moment.
2. Hello 5s, A 10 Has Arrived
If you give this iconic hello, everyone will immediately see your fun and confident personality in 4K. There will be no questions that you’re the life of the party, and every Tumblr user ever has wanted the opportunity to use this introduction IRL.
3. Ahoy Matey!
Listen, you’re quirky, you’re zany, and you have a love and appreciation for pirates and kidnap/seven seas AUs on Wattpad. It’s what makes you you, and nothing is a better iconic hello than this central pirate catchphrase.
4. Howdy Partner
If you’re anything like me, you slowly developed an obsession with cowboys as you got older. And that’s perfectly okay – Tumblr approves of all the weirdest and most niche obsessions you can imagine. So, for those cowboys looking to lasso in an iconic hello, try out a “Howdy Partner” the next time you meet a cute someone at the bar.
5. Good Morning, My Sweet Summer Children
It’s fun, it’s sweet, and it’s appropriate for all genders, pronouns, and sexual orientations. Tumblr is nothing if not supportive of individual identities, so this iconic hello will get you smiles and laughs and an award for “best hello giver” at every party.
6. What’s Up, Cowards?
Another phrase appropriate for any pronouns, “What’s up, cowards?” makes it clear that you’re not just here to play. It’s an iconic hello because not only will it make everyone wonder what makes you so confident, but it will definitely be remembered by anyone you ever greet.
7. Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey
For those looking for an iconic hello that’s fun and flirty and full of breakfast foods, this is the one for you. Not only is it Tumblr approved, it would also surely by Ron Swanson (“Parks and Rec” approved) which is enough to let you know that it’s the perfect greeting.
8. How’s It Going, Rat Bastards?
My personal favorite, this is the most iconic hello for any situation. Much like with the “cowards” hello, it will make people wonder about your confidence and your audacity. But it also has an extra oomph and punch that is perfect for giving yourself the reputation of being honest and confident without boundaries.
9. Greetings, Fellow Hoes
This is an iconic hello for those looking to create unity and find peace in their people. Do you have a small squad that you need to greet as a unit at a party? “Greetings, fellow hoes” is the only appropriate way to go. The term “hoes” used to be rude and slanderous, but now it’s what brings us together and shows us who our people are.
10. We’ve Been Calling About Your Car’s Extended Warranty
One of the best TikTok memes that have such strong Tumblr vibes, “We’ve been calling about your car’s extended warranty” is the most iconic hello and the best way to start answering the phone (especially with spam calls). It’s unexpected, it’s unique, and it keeps everyone around you on their toes.
11. I Mustache You A Question (But I’ll Shave It For Later)
The absolute quintessential joke for all kids who existed on Tumblr in 2012, this iconic hello is full of hilarity and nostalgia that could only exist in the early 2010s. Why we all had obsessions with mustaches, I don’t know, but this hello will make you seem like the perfect amount of fun and cultured.
12. What’s Cookin’, Good Lookin’?
You’re a stud, your girls are babes, and everyone around you should know of your squad’s beauty. But you’re all about spreading that confidence around and letting everyone know that they, too, are beautiful. This iconic hello is the perfect way to spread self-love and start a revolution of self-affirmations and positivity.
13. What it do, Buckaroo?
Why does everyone’s grandpa say “Buckaroo” like once a week? No clue, but it’s time you adopted this timeless phrase as part of your iconic hello. You’re rhyming in the best possible way, and you’re giving everyone a fun new nickname with your greeting. I mean, c’mon, who doesn’t want to a “buckaroo”?
14. What’s Up Bitches and Bros and Nonbinary Hoes?
One of the more recent Tumblr-appropriate phrases that actually came from a popular 2020s anime, this iconic hello encompasses everyone – its perfect for all your girls, your guys, and your theys. It’s progressive and inclusive, and the best way to greet the new people you meet on the street.
15. Hello, I’m Trying My Best
This iconic hello exists in the most John Mulaney and Tumblr fashion. You make it clear with this unique greeting that you are, in fact, present and trying your best. And honestly, that should be all anyone needs or expects from you. So keep doing what your doing, homie, and live your most real and honest life.
16. How’s It Hanging, Home Skillet?
I love a good “homie” or “home skillet” because they’re the perfect non-specific terms of endearment to lighten the mood and make sure everyone is included. So the next time you are searching out an iconic hello, try for a fun term of endearment (like “home slice” or “home skillet”). It’s fun and it makes everyone know they are included in your greeting.
17. *Hands You A Frog* Hello Friend
If the first iconic hello option wasn’t Tumblr enough for you, this one sure is. While some people like to utilize a solid “uwu” for their greetings, a true Tumblr user knows that the iconic greeting is found not in the phrase, but in the gift presented with the phrase. Presenting a frog is always a solid option, but this hello can be used to gift any animal (or used to speak to any animal). The choices are endless.
18. Salutations Peasants
You are a queen, king, or nonbinary royalty, and there is nothing wrong with making your station and confidence clear with your iconic hello. Throwing in Shakespearean language or a friendly “peasant” is a great way to elevate your greeting from boring to royal.
19. What Is Up My Dude-a-roonies?
Adding a fun little twist to your ending term of endearment can be the best (and easiest) way to create an iconic hello. Not sure what to go with? Have some fun and play around with your suffixes and prefixes. The only limit is your imagination and your creativity.
20. Live Long And Prosper
A solid Tumblr throwback to a classic iconic hello, “Live Long and Prosper” is the best greeting because it’s fun, cultured, and shows the people you’re talking to that you care about their well-being. Plus, it’s such a classic nerd reference that you can’t really pass up the opportunity to use it in real-time.