20 Amazing Dorm Rooms for Major WVU Dorm Decor Inspiration

Welcome to West Virginia University, in Morgantown, West Virginia! You will quickly find out that this place is both wild and wonderful (just as your dorm room should be). Your room is your personal space, and while our school may have limitations on what you can and can’t bring, what you do choose to bring along should reflect who you are. You may have searched Pinterest, Instagram or Tumblr for ideas, but chances are that you haven’t seen the real deal decor at WVU. Keep reading for a collection of 20 awesome photos for WVU dorm room inspiration!
1. String lights are a staple of any dorm.
Not only do they add extra light, but they’re also a super cute way to make those blank walls more interesting. Pick up a set of lights along with some command hooks, and get to hangin!
2. Tapestries are an easy way to cover up wall space.
These are ideal for those who don’t want to put in a lot of effort into their dorm’s look.
3. Throw pillows add a nice touch to the room.
They can be an easy way to show off your school’s colors, or to just add a comfortable touch to any bed or sofa.
4. Get a calendar.
Due dates come up quickly, and a calendar is the best way to keep track of what’s due and when. Add one to your wall to help keep you organized.
5. Color coordinate.
When looking for decor, make sure that the colors are cohesive.
6. Twin with your roommate?!
This is a cute way to connect with your roommate early and discover some similar interests.
7. Take advantage of natural colors and light.
This is a very simple way to relax in your room without the distractions of bright colors.
8. Plants.
While you can’t keep anything other than a goldfish alive in your room, foliage can be something fun to take care of that also makes your room more personal.
Extra tip: decorate the pot that your plant sits in for a personal touch!
9. A big rug goes a long way.
During the cold winters in West Virginia, you’re going to need some carpet on your floor to keep your feet warm! I recommend checking out the dimensions of your room before purchasing a rug, just to make sure that it isn’t too large or too small.
10. Missing some of your friends and family?
Did they leave you a note or write you a card? Hang it on the wall! This provides easy access to encouragement from loved ones during the wee hours of the morning when you could use a confidence boost. We all need them every once in a while!
11. Maximize your desk space.
Only put the essentials on it! Don’t over-crowd your desk space with decor that can go somewhere else. Studying is your number one priority.
12. Make photo collages.
These are an easy way to fill up space and recall memories from back home! There are many ways to display them, such as Washi Tape, twine, or even a memory board- all are equally space-filling and cute!
13. Extra seating always comes in handy!
Study sessions or just hanging out is better when your guests have other seating options than the floor.
14. Desk hutches can be lifesavers.
Not only do they provide extra space for books and school supplies, but they can also double as shelves for more dorm décor! You can order them to fit your WVU desk specifically here.
15. We love West Virginia!
All the more reason to deck your dorm out in WVU gear!
16. OMG how awesome is this shelf above the bed?!
These are super helpful for extra storage.
17. White comforters make it easy to match your decorations.
Little pops of color (or lots) can really make your room look more put together. This also makes it easy to switch color schemes each year!
18. Darker colors make for a cozy living space.
When the sun goes down, and the string lights come on, it makes for the perfect studying ambiance!
19. USA! USA! USA!
Why not show your patriotism with a giant American flag?
20. Raise your bed.
Raising your bed is such an easy way to add storage containers to your room without the overcrowding. You might even be able to fit your fridge under your bed too! At WVU there are limitations for how high your bed can be raised, but this girl is doing it right.
Do you have any other WVU dorm rooms that should be on the list!? Share in the comments below!
Featured image: Pinterest
If you're a fan of Jesus, Netflix, and chicken tenders, then Jess is your girl. West Virginia University Athletic Training, Class of 2020!