20 Amazing KSU Dorm Rooms for Dorm Decor Inspiration

Are you having trouble with deciding how to decorate your dorm room? Keep reading for some major KSU dorm rooms for dorm decor inspiration straight from the source- from previous KSU students who have decorated their dorm rooms!
1. Some people get really elaborate with their rooms
This makes other people really jealous of your dorm room. So, this is definitely some inspo to try out if you’re into going all out!
2. Stacking your bed and your roommate’s bed
This allows you to have more room to play around with in an already small dorm.
3. Lofting your bed and adding a futon is the perfect way to create more seating for guests.
It also gives you a place to hang out and watch TV or do homework. If you don’t have extra seating in your room you will always be on your bed and that gets old really quick.
4. Hang white Christmas lights around your room!
If you don’t, you will have less opportunity to create more light in your room and you won’t have to buy a lamp and try to find a place to put it.
5. Make the most of your space and hang things from your walls.
Using command strips and hanging your jewelry not only keeps you organized but it’s an amazing wall decoration.
6. Putting up pictures allows you to see all the memories you’re making while in college, plus it looks like a really cool collage.
After all, your friends and family are definitely the best piece of decor you can have! There are tons of ways to hang up pictures, try hanging them with string or making a collage!
7. A good way to add decorations to your walls is to make them yourself.
Have fun and create your own wall art rather than buying it from the store. There are tons of projects to do online, check out Pinterest for a good start!
8. To add extra lighting to your room, hanging up Christmas lights is a good idea!
But you can also find some garden string lights if you don’t like the look of the regular Christmas lights!
9. Lofting your bed allows for more space for you to put storage and a TV.
Under the bed space is awesome to put your desk and free up some space in your room. You can also make this an under the bed hangout for you and your friends!
10. Loft your bed and then hang curtains from it to create your own little private space.
Just close the curtains when you need to be alone or open them up to show off your sitting area.
11. Use a mattress curtain to hide any extra items that you may store under your bed.
You will find that curtains will come in handy, a lot. They can be used to hide all types of storage and space and give you room to put things without looking too cluttered!
12. Make the most of your space and decorate with things that you’ll love.
It can be the simplest things like pictures from your favorite vacation or a DIY wall art piece. Whatever it is, make it your own! This is the place you’ll spend a lot of your time so make sure to make it how YOU want it!
13. Some of the dorms don’t come with closets.
Use curtains to create your own closets! This is the best way to hide any of your storage and you can get curtains to match the theme of your room.
14. You have a lot of empty wall space in the dorms so use it to hang up things you love because you’ll be looking at it every day.
Be proud of your creativity!!
15. Using a rug or tapestry as a wall accent.
This is a nice way to add a major viewing point and doesn’t require too much effort. It is also perfect for any empty wall space you may have. There are tons with different colors and themes!
16. Loft your bed
Add in some cool storage options, add a small but fashionable table, and hang up your name. This is a good way to really make your dorm feel like home.
17. This is actually a picture of my room when I lived in the dorms.
Simple and cute. Use different patterns and colors to get a really awesome look. Don’t be afraid to be bold and think outside the box!
18. Make bunk beds and add in a sleek futon.
This definitely gives your room more of a chic feel. Bonus points for representing your country!
19. I firmly believe that adding a rug to a room makes it feel more like home.
So, go and buy that rug you’ve been eyeing and put it in your new room! You’ll thank me when it’s winter and you’re feet aren’t freezing on the cold floor.
20. Putting both your desk and dresser underneath your bed
This allows for more room for a fridge, small desk, or whatever else you bring to your new room for ultimate dorm decor.
Do you know of any other KSU dorm rooms for dorm decor inspiration!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: Instagram
Jasmine is a student at Kansas State University majoring in Psychology and International Studies with a minor in Spanish. She likes fashion, traveling, yoga, and pretending she knows what she’s doing in life.