
15 Things You Should and Shouldn’t Bring to UTK

It’s easy to bring too much or bring the wrong things to college for your freshman year. Here are 15 things you should and shouldn’t bring to The University of Tennessee at Knoxville. These tips are guaranteed to make your experience at UTK even better.


1. Flashlights

The UTK campus can be very dangerous, especially at night. Having a flashlight will be your lifesaver when walking home from a library or a party when it’s dark out.


2. Pepper Spray

On campus attacks at UTK are very common, which is why we need a way to protect ourselves. Sometimes the person whom we are fighting with or who is putting us in danger is significantly bigger or stronger, which is why pepper spray will definitely come in handy. Don’t forget – buy the black and not the pink one so it looks like a flashlight and doesn’t tip off anyone!

3. Light strings

College dorm rooms can be tough to decorate with the limited space that we’re given, so having some strings of lights will “light up” your room like nothing else!


4. First aid kit

Sometimes it’s easy for us to bump into something in our room, especially due to the nature of it being so small. Have a first aid kit to make sure you can always take care of yourself or your hall mates in case something happens nearby.


5. Sewing kit

The reality is that our clothes are always ripping or tearing, so bring a sewing kit even if you can’t exactly sew! Someone around probably knows how to and can bring a torn outfit of yours back to life again.


6. Agenda

College schedules are crazy. Not only do you have class, but there are events to attend to, parties, and things due all the time for your classes. Bring an agenda, color code, and make sure you don’t miss a thing!

7. Batteries

Literally so many things require batteries and the worst thing would be having to leave your dorm to find a convenience store. Pack extras in your bag and it’ll be worth it!!


8. Business suit/formal dress

You never know when you’ll be invited to a more formal event with professors or faculty. Not to mention that you could have an on-campus interview, one of which you’d need the perfect outfit to snag that job and make it yours!


9. George Foreman grill, skillets, toaster ovens

Lets face it, your dorm bed will most likely never be made and your comforter will be thrown around everywhere. With that being said, it’s very dangerous to have a grill nearby that could catch all of your stuff on fire. (Or in a more realistic situation, it could just catch on fire while it grills your food)


See Also

10. Old high school t-shirts

You’ve moved on now! You’re all grown up! It’s time to wear your new college gear and not wear your old high school clothing. Show some pride in your new school!

11. Candles

Same as #9, candles can make your room smell good but it can also catch on fire very easily Not to mention that it can also set off the fire alarm in your entire building.

12. Valuable items

Realistically speaking, most of us will be getting random roommates that we’ve never met before. Even if you have met your roommate prior to move in day, it’s hard to know what he or she is like when you actually go to live with them. With that being said, do not bring any valuable or cherished items because when things are stolen, it’s usually by the people closest to you. Keep your valued items at home where you know they’re safe!


13. A printer

Most college campuses now have a system where they have printers set up throughout the entire campus. You connect your document to the campus printer and it’ll be ready for you at a library or shop as soon as you swipe your university ID. The printing system is free, easy, and also makes more space in your room for something other new!

14. An ironing board

Most college students don’t even wash their clothes on a regular basis (it’s true), so really, it’s not like any of us will have time to iron our clothes either.


15. Duplicate items

Coordinate with your roommate! Make sure both of you know what you’re bringing, and if there’s something both of you use, make sure only one of you brings it! It saves both of you space and money in your dorm, while making you two bond as you share items in a space you both live in!

Do you have recommendations for what students at UTK should or shouldn’t bring? Feel free to comment below. If these tips helped, be sure to share the article!
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Julia Fabricio

Julia Fabricio is 18 years old, and a freshman at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville. Go Vols! Right now, she is pursuing a Political Science major with a focus in International Affairs. She is originally from Brazil, but currently lives a few minutes away from Charlotte, NC. She is very passionate about writing and has just about a million journals, but she also loves photography, design, and social media!

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