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15 Things To Do Before Choosing A College

15 Things To Do Before Choosing A College

It is important to feel comfortable at a college before you accept your invitation and make your first payment. But picking the perfect school for you can be difficult! There are many things to take into consideration. Keep reading for 15 examples of what you should look into before choosing a college.

1. Consider the location of the college.

Do you want to be as far from home as possible or do you want to be able to hop in a car and go home every weekend? Do you want to live in a thriving metropolis or do you prefer the rural lifestyle?

2. Consider the cost to attend that college.

Are there certain scholarships you could apply for?


3. Understand the school composition.

What percentage of the school is female? Male? Study the breakdown of different demographics.

4. Study the bachelor degrees and minors offered.

5. Research the graduation percentage rate.


6. Look into the food and dining options provided.

7. Figure out which sports and clubs are offered.

8. Know the crime rate and safety procedures of the campus.

9. Get a good sense of what your school is known for.

Is it the football team? The marching band? The A Cappella group?

10. Determine what you will need to pack.

Is there excellent WiFi or will you need an ethernet cord? Are you allowed to bring your car on campus your freshman year or should you bring a bike?

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11. Know if your school provides transportation for its students.

If so, what are the bus routes and where are the bus stops?

12. Research where the nearby shopping centers are.

13. Try to understand what the student life is like there.

Are there a lot of parties? Where does everyone go to hang out on the weekends? What do the students do for fun?


14. See if you are able to communicate with and relate to other students.

15. Get a sense of what the students are generally like there.
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