15 Podcasts On Spotify That Are Entertaining

In my opinion, podcasts are a gift to this earth. All you have to do is turn one on, and the busy world around you is tuned out. Podcasts are great because there are so many different topics being discussed. Topics may range from true crime to scientific discoveries to relationship advice! Spotify is a great platform to use if you’re interested in podcasts because new ones are released daily. Even though there are a plethora of podcasts to pick from, there are a few standout ones that I think you need to listen to. Be sure to save and download these entertaining podcasts to your playlist for your next long walk, workout, or drive!

1) The Habitat

This podcast is insanely addicting and extremely entertaining. We love watching Survivor and The Bachelor when people are forced to interact and live together. But imagine people trying to live together in a NASA experimental twist. The Habitat tells a story of 6 volunteers that were sent to a secluded island to live for a year as pretend astronauts. This podcast tells their story as an audio documentary with video recordings from each of the participants.  


2) Everything Is Alive

Have you ever wondered about the story behind an object? This podcast gets those interesting storytelling to a whole new level. In this podcast, we will follow a story in relation to inanimate objects. Ever wonder how objects feel or think? This podcast explores objects on a ‘lively’ level to create a very entertaining story to listen to!

3) Timesuck

This is a hilariously interesting podcast that explores paranormal, history, and crime subjects. The podcast is hosted by the comedian Dan Cummins and we get his real thoughts on these fascinating subjects. The podcast dives deep into each subject and brings up real-world questions that Dan toils with. This is one of the best informational comedies available on Spotify. 

4) 30 For 30 

This is a brilliant sports podcast that highlights athletes and the sports culture at large. If you are someone who loves to listen to the sports world, this definitely the perfect podcast for you. Each episode highlights one athlete who shares their life story and their successes and failures in sports. In every episode, the podcast shows how sports are a big part of our world culture. 


5) Small Town Murder

For all you folks who love a good murder mystery, buckle up because this is an amazing murder mystery podcast. As the title suggests, this podcast unravels murders that are lesser know from small towns. Murders that happen in small towns are usually insanely crazy and this podcast picks the wildest ones to share. The hosts definitely do their research and it is so entertaining to listen to. 

6) The Daily 

It’s really important to stay up-to-date and informed on what is going on in the world around you. The Daily is a great 20-minute podcast that will keep you in the know with what is going on in the world. Listening to this daily will help you stay current in your news so you can know what is going on! Each news bit is kept very short to fit in as much news as possible in a short amount of time. Listen to this on your way to work in the morning to keep you entertained and ready for the world!


7) Undisclosed 

This podcast takes its listeners through unsolved and controversial cases. The hosts lay out the cases and present the controversy to the podcast. It is then up to you to form your own idea as to what actually went down. This podcast is incredibly entertaining and there is lots of detailed research and information provided. Get all the information you need to know about the cases here!  

8) Science Vs.

This is a great podcast for all of you science-y people out there. And, honestly, even if you are not into science, this is still a really entertaining podcast. The podcast is hosted by scientists who look into a wide range of topics to better understand them scientifically. The topics can be more global and serious (oil companies, and water consumption) or more pop-culture based (hypnosis and mind-reading). This is a highly recommended podcast that really gives you a new perspective on the world.    


9) Stuff You Should Know

This is a go-to podcast when it comes to entertainment and popularity right now. The hosts in this podcast explore a variety of topics and give you random, but important and insightful information on the topics. This is a great relaxing and informative podcast that will keep your brain turning. The hosts are also very witty and knowledgable about the topics they discuss. It is wicked entertaining and fun to listen to. 

10) Lore

You’re going to be sleeping with the lights on after listening to this scary podcast. This is an entertaining storytelling podcast that will definitely have you spooked by the end of an episode. You should listen to this podcast with a flashlight shining to your face at a campfire because it gives that eerie vibe. The hosts discuss historical events that end up becoming supernatural. If you’re into the American Horror Story series, you need to give this podcast a try.

See Also

11) Office Ladies

Are you a huge fan of the TV series “The Office”? Well, this is 100% the podcast for you. This podcast is hosted by two stars of the show: Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey. The hosts discuss every Office episode and give the listeners a look behind the scenes of each episode. As we all know, these are two hilarious women and the TV series was very loosely scripted. This podcast is no different and the results are simply beautiful.  

12) You’re Wrong About

This podcast explains concepts that most people get wrong. Rumors spread fast and they quickly turned into fact. These hosts challenge what is known to the public as fact and gets to the bottom of what actually is the truth when it comes to each topic. This podcast is highly entertaining and worth the try!


13) The Alarmist 

There is something so satisfying about blaming other people for big mishaps. This podcast attempts to blame people for giant misdoings. Let’s stir the pot a little bit and blame some people for the Titanic sinking and the failure of Alcatraz! The hosts of this podcast lay out the cards of each disaster and put a name to the blame.   

14) Off My Shelf 

Are you feeling nostalgic and want to watch one of your favorite old DVDs? This podcast goes through the host’s old DVDs and discusses the movies with special guests involved with the movie. This is a great podcast that is truly entertaining and brings back memories of the good ole’ days. 


15) Villains

There seems to be an obsession with learning more about the “bad guys” right now and this podcast is perfect for that. A good backstory makes a good villain. This podcast looks at the backstories of villains (real and fiction) so that we could get a better understand of why they are so bad. Maybe they are not that bad after all? This podcast is wildly entertaining. 

 There are so many fantastic podcasts that are out there. Which one is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

Featured image source: https://saygegirl.com/2018/12/03/5-women-run-podcasts-to-listen-to-today/