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15 Items To Share With Your College Roommate

15 Items To Share With Your College Roommate

You and your roommate get to decide how to split living expenses, but these items should be at the top of your list!

1. Mini Fridge

A mini fridge is one of the best items for your dorm! You can store snacks and drinks for easy access when you get late-night cravings. Your mini fridge door is the perfect place to display pictures, invitations, and schedules so that you and your roommate can stay up to date on events. We recommend buying small organizers to avoid clutter in the fridge. You can look for mini fridge organization videos on TikTok or Pinterest if you need inspiration!  


2. Microwave

Microwaves are an essential tool for making your favorite comfort foods. Whether you are craving a salty popcorn snack or a bowl of warm soup, you need a microwave in your dorm. This inspiration picture shows a great way to store your microwave and mini fridge. If you have space in your dorm, you and your roommate should consider getting a microwave! Make sure to verify with your school that you are allowed to have a microwave in your room. 

3. Coffee Maker

Are you even a college student if you don’t survive off caffeine? Coffee is an essential morning ritual for most college students. If you enjoy having coffee at the ready, consider adding a coffee maker to your dorm room. You and your roommate will not regret this purchase! If you have limited space in your dorm, you may refer to the above picture for storage inspiration.


4. Printer

Although most assignments are completed online, you may need to print a few miscellaneous items. If you know you need to print multiple things this school year, consider sharing a printer with your roommate. You will both benefit from this tool! Printers also have scanners and USB ports that make it easy to scan your assignments. You can easily store your printer under your desk if you are limited on storage.


5. Tupperware

Everyone needs Tupperware in their living space! Whether you use these containers for meal planning or food storage, Tupperware will keep your small space organized. If you have a refrigerator, you may want to store snacks like overnight oats or chia seed pudding for busy mornings. You can look on Pinterest or TikTok for Tupperware organization videos if you need inspiration! Whether your roommate is organized or not, they will appreciate your effort to keep the dorm neat and tidy. 

6. Dishes

Whether or not you have a kitchen, you will need dishes in your dorm. If you don’t have a kitchen, you may want to buy paper plates and bowls for snacks. If you have a stove, you will want to buy some pots and pans for cooking meals. Consider buying a college cookbook if you need meal inspiration! Since dishes are expensive, you and your roommate will want to split the cost. You can shop at Target or HomeGoods if you want to find affordable dishes. 


7. Vacuum

Vacuums are one of the most underrated dorm room essentials. If your dorm has a community vacuum you may not need to buy one. Even if you have a community vacuum, you should buy a handheld vacuum for small messes. When you make a mess in the kitchen or bedroom you will have a much easier time cleaning up! You can look on Amazon for affordable cordless or handheld vacuums.


8. Decorations

A dorm isn’t complete without decorations! If you and your roommate have different decorating styles, you will want to collaborate on decorations. You may choose to decorate your rooms differently and keep your common area more uniform. If you live in the same city as your roommate, you can plan a dorm shopping trip! It is helpful to shop together so that you can coordinate on decorations, cleaning supplies, and other shared items. 

9. Water Pitcher

A water pitcher with a filter is so important in college dorms! You can fill the pitcher in the sink and put it in the refrigerator to have fresh filtered water on hand. You can find these pitchers at Target, Amazon, or Walmart. I recommend buying the Brita brand. You can also put a water filter on your sink if your dorm allows that. Make sure that you do your research before you buy your water pitcher!


10. Portable Speaker

Portable speakers are a great way to play quiet study music or blast your favorite songs. If you want to play music without using your phone speaker, a portable speaker is the best option. You can buy multiple speakers and sync them, or buy one shared speaker. Whether you are studying in the park, having a dance party in your dorm, or cleaning your room, you need a portable speaker!

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11. Curtains

Curtains can be very expensive, but they are essential for dorm rooms. You will most likely need a closet curtain, a shower curtain, and a privacy curtain. Coordinate with your roommate to find affordable, neutral curtains that fit your styles. This is a great item to add to your shopping list if you go shopping together! 


12. Furniture

If you have a common area in your dorm, you will need furniture to fill it! You and your roommate can split the cost of furniture so that you stay within budget. Consider shopping on Facebook marketplace or Craigslist for gently used furniture. 

13. Cleaning Supplies

Now that you are living on your own, you are responsible for cleaning your house! You and your roommate can each bring a few cleaning supplies to keep your space neat and tidy. One of you can bring sponges and rags while the other one brings spray and wipes. You get to decide how to split this one up!


14. Organizers

Organizers are the best way to keep your small space tidy. You can find a collection of organizers at almost any store. To save space, hang organizers on the back of your door for shoes, clothes, jewelry, or other miscellaneous items.


15. Board Games

Who doesn’t love a good board game? At the end of a long school day, pull out a game and relax with your roommate. Playing a game will be a great mental break for both of you! 

Did this list help you and your roommate plan for your new space? Let us know in the comments! Happy decorating!

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