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14 Signs You’re a Delta Zeta

In the movies and on TV shows, joining a sorority can be perceived in so many different ways. But when I joined Delta Zeta, I knew my life would become so much more than what I had seen on TV. Becoming involved in a philanthropy, and always having a house full of amazing sisters who are always there for you, are just some of the many reasons as to why I love Delta Zeta. Keep on reading if you feel as if you’ve become a “DZ girl and you just can’t lose”!

1. Pink and green have become your favorite color combination.

Rose and green are the colors of Delta Zeta.

2. Most of your sisters have the turtle emoji next to their name in your phone.

3. You sign important messages to your sisters with “ITF” or “KOB”


4. Our symbol is the roman lamp, in which the members need to “keep on burning.”

5. You have numerous decorations relating to DZ in your room.

6. You have learned to master the DZ hand sign when you’re told to “throw what you know” wherever you may go.


7. You have thought of trying to learn sign language.

8. Delta Zeta’s philanthropy is involved with speech and hearing by being a part of The Painted Turtle Camp and Starkey Hearing Foundation.

9. In Alfa we trust.

Alfa Lloyd was one of the founding Delta Zeta members at Miami University in 1902.


10. You have at least one piece of jewelry with DZ’s letters on it.

11. You have made an instagram for #WhyDZWednesday.


See Also

12. Finding the perfect picture to describe your sisters is hard because there are too many!


13. The door song from rush is often stuck in your head.



14. Delta Zeta has become a place you can call home.

From the second you saw your name on the lawn on bid day, your sisters have become your best friends and you wouldn’t want it any other way.

What are some other sure signs you’re a Delta Zeta? Comment below and share this article with your friends!
Featured image source: pulitzerprints.,
Article image source: /pin/167125836148156456, ,,, /pin/224265256418539728,,,,, Lindsay Cooney personal Photography
Lindsay Cooney

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