We all want a positive vibe, and once we get it, we want to keep it. It is important to have different strategies to keep that energy up! Here are 12 ways you can protect your positive vibe.
Visualizing is a powerful strategy to focus on you and your needs and how to get there. Studies show that during visualization your brain activates in the same way as seeing/experiencing it in real life. When it comes to protecting your positive vibe, visualizing is very helpful. If you imagine a sphere of protection, you are blocking other (more negative) energies from interfering with yours. The sphere also creates a sense of security and a safe space.
Some people are simply energy vampires. It’s not they are a bad person, but they can either have dominant energy, opposite energy, or require you to provide all the energy. There’s a good chance a few people you know just came to mind. Setting boundaries is a great way to protect your positive vibe.
Focus on setting healthy boundaries with these people. Open up a line of honest communication and tell them what your needs are. If they are truly your friend, they are going to respect it! This doesn’t mean you guys can never be together, just make sure it’s what you can handle.
Maybe you have a friend who loves a night out going bar hopping. You may like to drink with her, but her wild energy is just too much. A great boundary is here is swapping a night out with a wine night at home and limiting the bars. Remember: it’s okay to say no!
Deep breathing has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. In fact, it is one of the fastest, easiest, and most beneficial ways to relax. It also helps your heard go down in a stressful situation. Here a few techniques to try
Even if you don’t believe in crystal energy they are simply a good reminder. Some crystals such as amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, and turquoise is believed to help raise your positive energy. Try carrying one around and see how you feel. If this is something that doesn’t vibe with you, that’s okay. Keeping a crystal on you can be a good reminder of being aware of your vibe. Use it as a talisman.
There are a lot of different things that you should be aware of. First, recognize your triggers. What makes you drained or stressed? Here are some common triggers for most people:
Or it might be more personal for you. A certain person or activity might remind you of a low point in your life. Maybe you aren’t even sure what your triggers are, and that’s okay too. Being aware of what makes you feel like your positive vibe is being attacked is the first step.
The next awareness step is to observe how it makes you feel. Does your chest get tight? Do you feel scatterbrained or tired? Or you might just get really cranky. For me, if I am doing too much and not sleeping enough, I stop eating healthy foods, my anxiety shoots up and I just stop everything. Once these are identified you can avoid your triggers or find what works best for you in building yourself back up.
What your body gets your spirit also receives. When we are talking about physical care it’s, eating right, drinking enough water, getting sleep, and simply keeping up with hygiene. There are the basic habits that you should always try to keep up that will overall protect your positive and encourage it to grow. If you’re falling behind in these (which we all do sometimes!) you may be feeling a little less positive.
Some Basics:
On top of that, take time for some special pampering. Show yourself you love you.
Some Pampering
Usually, when our energy is off, our emotions are also off. It’s a relationship. That is why it is so important to take care of your mental and emotional self when protecting your positive vibe.
When your emotions and energy are out of whack you may feel:
When my emotional self is out of balance, everything annoys me and I get anxious. Other times, I might get sad.
When I start to feel this way there are a lot of different things I do to help me:
One of the most simple ways to protect your positive vibe is to simply remove yourself from what’s causing it harm. We’ve all had an experience where we immediately feel better just being anywhere or doing anything else. When that relief is washing over you, your soul is saying thank you. Pay attention to that tightness in your chest when someone is draining you. Or maybe a certain bar is just not vibing with you, if you can, just leave. In some cases, this is easier said than done. There are some situations we don’t have the power over. In times like that, it’s best to use another strategy until you can leave.
Responses and reactions differ in one matter: the emotion. When you react, your emotions are taking the wheel and steering. Responding is when you actually sit back for a moment and acknowledge the situation/person, how you are feeling, and what to do next.
This is important when we’re talking about your positive energy because it could make or break a situation. If you react poorly, it could make things worse. Also, you have a moment to be aware and analyze. You are in control, no the other person or the situation. Really, you are empowered by your own self.
This one has made been mentioned a few times, and there is a reason why. When you practice gratitude you are specifically looking at positive things. You are creating a positive vibe within yourself by looking outside yourself. When you feel like you have lost control or that nothing is going right, it is helpful to see exactly what the good is. For me, I started having a routine gratitude practice. I have reminders on my phone and each night I make sure to think about what went right that day. When I am upset, gratitude is one of the first things I look at.
Take some time and fully disconnect from all people, social media, and otherwise. Sometimes the world is just too overwhelming. People now experience more depression, anxiety, emotional fatigue, and fear because of how much information is out there and the different energies that are taken on.
It can feel nice to disconnect from it all and be alone with your own thoughts. Spending this time in nature, journaling, coloring, or taking a bath can be especially healing.
Sometimes, you simply need to rest your body and your mind. When we give our body rest, we release the tension in body and mind. To really cultivate and protect your positive, just rest.
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