12 Signs You’re An Education Major
by Shannon Mann
September 6, 2023

Whether you are an education major or you know someone who is, you will definitely be able to understand these 12 signs!
1. School supply shopping is your favorite time of the year.
2. 90% of your classes are female dominated.
3. Your Pinterest consists of multiple boards titled “Future Classroom,” “Future Teacher,” and “Future Lessons.”
4. You’ve made the same lesson plan in 15 different formats.
5. Your teacher-voice has been perfected and can come out on command.
6. All of your social media is either locked down or your display name is only your first and middle name.
7. You have a planner that is your lifeline and you would die without it.
8. Observation hours are killer… only because you wish you were teaching the class instead of taking notes.
9. You’ve colored in more than one of your college classes on a regular basis.
10. The Common Core is a serious topic for you and if brought up, you best be prepared for a twenty-minute discussion.
11. You’ve stressed over your future salary and how you will come up with the money to pay off your student loans.
12. Despite the lack of money you’ll be making, you know your life will be great, as you’ll be working in the best field in the world.
Did you enjoy reading about the signs that show you’re an education major? Any other signs come to mind? Comment below and share with a friend!
Featured Image Source: flickr.com
Shannon Mann
20 year old Childhood/Special Education major at St. John's University in Queens, New York. Likes: hanging out, Uber, holding her dog captive in my arms, having ADHD, New York, Justin Bieber!!!!!, pizza, long walks on the beach. Dislikes: pants, tunafish, cats, long lines, the subway.