Categories: Horoscopes

12 Books You Should Read Based On Your Sign

Whether you are an avid reader or are looking to start, books based on your zodiac sign are more appealing. This list matches your books zodiac sign to your birth sign, but if you aren’t interested, check your sun and moon sign!

1. Aries – Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Aries are firery with bouts of aggression. They are competitive and adventurous, so what better book that Children of Blood and Bone? If you have not read it already, it is a story of vengeance in a world of magic and action. Zelie Adebola remembers when magic was all around, when burners ignighterd flames and tiders beconed waves. Then magic suddenly disappears, Zelie loses her mother and her people are lost. She has one chance to save magic and overthrow the monarchy with the help of the rogue princess. Zelie must learn how to control her powers and her feelings for the enemy.

Tomi Adeyemi’s phenomenal West African inspired debut has earned her multiple awards and her trilogy is already in the works of becoming a motion picture. Children of Blood and Bone is a Young Adult book, but this books zodiac sign is relevant to everyone.

2. Taurus – The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

Taurus, you are sensual, love love and beauty, can find the beautiful side of everything and your loyalty almost overshadows your stubbornness. Almost. You would love The Vanishing Half  because it brings up change in a world where change is discouraged. The Vanishing Half is about the twin sisters who were born identical in every way but one: they were born with different skin colors. They grow up in a black community in the south, but run away at 16, changing their daily lives and racial identities. Later, one twin returns to their town and the other lives secretly passing for white believing that their paths will never cross again. This book is set in the 1950s to the 90s in the Deep South to California and looks at American history and its conversation with race. Brit Bennett gained Barack Obama’s attention with this hard-hitting book and easily became a bestseller.

3. Gemini – Everything’s Trash, But It’s Okay by Phoebe Robinson

There is no one more chatty than the twin Gemini. While their communication leads to gossip, they are always on the move. A funny memoir is always a great books zodiac sign for the moody twin, so Phoebe Robinson’s Everything’s Trash, But It’s Okay will cheer everyone up. You may recognize Robinson from her podcast, and later HBO special, 2 Dope Queens. She continues her unfiltered and witty style with her book of essays from feminism to beauty standards and work obsessions. She also gets personal and explores the woes of dating, money problems, and hiding things from her parents. With a title that is coincidentally definite of the state of the world today, Robinson’s perspective is for the generation that has had too many shortcomings.

4. Cancer – Luster by Raven Leilani

This books zodiac sign is Cancer and Raven Leilani made this book for you. With your nurturing and caring self, you would understand Edie more than most. Luster is the millennial story for everyone lost in their twenties, but especially for Black women. Edie is in a rundown apartment with an admin job and making bad sexual choices. She meets Eric, a man with an open marriage and rules she has to adhere to. Sex and racial differences aside, Edie is suddenly, but not surprisingly, unemployed and is invited to Eric’s house… by his wife. There, not only does she have to be awkwardly friendly with his wife, but also to their adopted Black daughter. Raven Leilani perfectly lays out how hard it is to believe in yourself and how a lot of the times, it is the unexpected that gets us by. Her debut novel has gained so much attention in its short time and readers cannot wait for more.

5. Leo – You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson

Leo, the regal and glamorous leader with a big heart and a need for drama. This book is another Young Adult book that is a must read for all ages. You Should See Me in a Crown explores the importance of friendship in a small town. Liz always thought she wasn’t good enough to be seen: too black, too poor, too awkward. Her plan is to leave her small town and attend a super elite college, play in their orchestra and become a doctor. But then her financial plans fall through and her dreams are shattered… until she remembers the school scholarship for prom king and queen. Liz does not want to go through the trolls, catty opponents, or embarrassing public events, but she needs to get to that college. She befriends the new girl, but finds out shes also running for prom queen and slowly starts to fall for her as well. Leah Johnson created a romantic YA story for generations to come.

6. Virgo – Killer Content by Olivia Blacke

Elegant Virgos are the perfectionists who love challenging their mind and help others, so a modern mystery is perfect for them. Killer Content is a murder mystery debut by Olivia Blacke set in Brooklyn. Odessa has received the impossible: a rent free apartment in a nice neighborhood in NYC. Her new job is easily selling books and beer, but she struggles to make friends and learn the subway. So when the sudden death of a fellow waitress goes viral in the background of a flash-mob proposal video (remember those?), Odessa realizes nothing is adding up. She starts to see clues other people miss and takes matters into her own hands. But can Odessa find her friend’s killer before they get her?

7. Libra – Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur

Libra has a fascination with beauty and food and are willing to fight for that luxury. They don’t like unbalance and move on their own time, even if disorganized, but they get to where they need to be eventually. Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur is a beautiful rom-com perfect for Libras in love. Darcy has yet another unsuccessful blind date set up by her brother, but in order to avoid another disaster, she lies and says it was a match! And it goes downhill from there. Elle, astrologer with a popular Twitter, wants to find her soulmate and she knows Darcy is not it. Darcy is too analytical and punctual for free-spirited Elle. So when Darcy’s brother, Elle’s new business partner, claims he’s estatic at how well their date went, Elle is baffled. Darcy begs her to play along and she agrees to pretend, with negotiations of course. They don’t expect to catch feelings with their expiration date, but does true love happen when opposite attracts?

8. Scorpio – Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler

Scorpio, the mysterious, yet spiritual sign. The secretive and revengeful sign that loves dark things and can pick up the vibes of others. An apocalyptic book with global climate change, economic crises, and social chaos is perfect for you. This book was written in 1993 by the great Octavia E. Butler, whos book hit the New York Times Bestsellers list for the first time at the peak of the Black Lives Matter movement. Parable of the Sower is set in the early 2020s and eerily reflects the start of the decade. California is facing multiple issues that cause many travelers to do anything it takes to survive. Lauren suffers from hyperempathy and lives in a gated community that is surrounded by anarchy. She makes her voice heard to protect her family from the dangers the community ignores, but her survival leads to a new unexpected view of human faith. This books zodiac sign may relate to more than just Scorpios and makes it a must read.

See Also

9. Sagittarius – Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams

Happy adventurer Sagittarius, your energy and confidence bring a fresh feeling to any environment. This books zodiac sign is akin to your love of open space and handling multiple projects that you devote your time to. Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams is perfect for you as this self-discovery is an unapologetically black and brilliantly witty novel for the times. Queenie is twenty-five and lives in London trapped between two cultures. She works at a newspaper where she consistently comparing herself to her white middle class coworkers and suffers a messy breakup with her long-term white boyfriend. She turns to the comfort of hazardous men who only make her feel worse and continue to make bad decisions. She asks herself all of the important questions, like “Who do you want to be?” and explores what it means to be a modern woman in search of meaning.

10. Capricorn – I Am The Rage by Martina McGowan

Capricorn, my lovely traditional and supportive old soul, with your constant struggle until success happens attitude, its a wonder how you still find support. This books zodiac sign is why poetry speaks to your soul more than the others. I Am the Rage is a collection of poems that go through the Black experience of death, grief, and loss. While you are not emphatic like Pisces, you are understanding, Capricorn, and can feel what McGowan and illustrator Diana Ejaita are showing us. Poetry and art come together in this book to show two generations of what it means to be Black in America with the current movement and gives the reader a glimpse into their world, or a mirror into their own. This book will touch your soul.

11. Aquarius – Ties That Tether by Jane Igharo

Aquarius, as the friendliest and most social sign, it is only right that your books zodiac sign is a contemporary romantic comedy. You may be a team player, but you honor your individuality closely, which makes you a paradox that everyone loves. Ties That Tether by Jane Igharo is a multicultural and interracial romance that begs the question: is multicultural love possible? As an Aquarius, you can definitely make it work, so you will enjoy the process in this seemingly forbidden romance. Azere promised her father on his death bed that she would marry a Nigerian man to preserve her culture and her mom has obliged her to date only in the Nigerian dating pool. Her latest date goes wrong and she ends up at the hotel bar where she meets Rafael, a White man. Their one night stand becomes serious and Azere is suddenly caught in between her love for him and the honor for her mother. Does loving a White man make her less Nigerian? What do you think, Aquarius?

12. Pisces – Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Lastly, Pisces, my most emotional and empathetic sign. You love to escape reality and get swept up easily, so a historical horror is great for your moody soul. With your intense dreams, this books zodiac sign should be a great read for you. Mexican Gothic was almost an overnight success and it is very easy to tell why. Set in 1950s Mexico, Noem heads to a house in the countryside after receiving a frantic letter from her cousin to save her from her doom. Noem meets her cousin’s husband, an Englishman, who is a stranger to her, as well as the area. As a debutant, she is out of place in helping her cousin, but she is tough and ready to discover the truth behind the house and the family’s dark past. She quickly discovers stories of madness and violence and deems it impossible to leave the house behind. This period thriller is already in the makings of being a movie, so quickly read the book, as books are always better than the movie.

Are you interested in your books zodiac sign? Let us know in the comments!
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Lucely Garcia

Hi! I'm Lucely, an aspiring editor and avid reader, completing my master's in publishing at Pace University. I was born and raised in the South Bronx and hope to travel the world soon. I will eventually get back to writing poetry and short stories when I graduate in the spring.

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