11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Texas Tech Orientation

Let me start by saying, if you’re going to Red Raider Orientation (RRO), that means you just made the best decision of your life – choosing Texas Tech as your home for the next four years. Believe me when I say that you are going to enjoy every minute of it, and will forever be thankful that you decided to become a Red Raider. Texas Tech orientation is a great opportunity for you to get to know the campus a little bit better and begin your transition into the college life. Here are some tips to get you started.
1. Sign up for Texas Tech orientation early!
I cannot stress this one enough. The earlier you sign up for orientation, the better your chances are at signing up for all of the classes you want to take at the times you want to take them. You don’t want to be stuck with 8 a.m.’s all week; trust me.
2. Encourage your parents to come along.
Many seem to think that orientation is only for the students, but that is totally false. Orientation is for parents as well! It will help them see where their child is going to be living, eating, and learning. Plus, RRO offers tours of Lubbock and a special event just for parents during orientation, where they can win free Tech gear and meet more parents.
3. Don’t be nervous.
You may be nervous, because this orientation is unlike high school and is on a much bigger and more serious scale. But remember, the chances are good that the person sitting next to you is just as nervous as you are! Everyone is experiencing this for the first time. You’re all in this together!
4. Ask questions.
The most important thing you can do at Texas Tech orientation is to make sure to get all your questions answered. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, because there is probably someone else in the room with the same one. The RRO crew is excellent at answering questions, and if they don’t know the answer, they’ll make sure to find out for you.
5. Take care of the holds on your account (if any) before you register for classes.
There will be a designated time during which you can take care of any holds that you need removed before you can sign up for classes. These holds can include not having your vaccine records, meningitis vaccine requirement, financial issues, TSI testing, etc.
6. Participate in the activities of RRO.
These info. sessions and icebreaker activities are designed to help you transition into the college life a lot more smoothly. Participate in these, because this is where you are able to interact with other students and meet lots of great, new people.
7. Use a map and take a tour of the campus.
Tech’s campus is one of the largest in the nation. Don’t worry about getting lost a couple of times when you first start out. It happens to everyone. RRO is a great opportunity to take a tour of the campus and begin to familiarize yourself with the campus before starting in the fall.
8. Check out the rec and everything it has to offer.
Tech’s rec center is one of the most known things the school has to offer. Go to the rec night during Texas Tech orientation and learn more about the intramural sports it offers, all the different physical activity classes you can sign up for, and take a swim and relax in the lazy river.
9. Visit the org fair and info. sessions.
There are so many different organizations at Tech that you are bound to find something that fits your interests. Check out the org fair for information on various organizations that are available to you as students, and see how you can become involved. Also make sure to go to the different info. sessions they have on Greek life, student government, and other organizations.
10. Transfer student? No problem.
If you are a transfer student, don’t worry. There are separate info. sessions and activities for you that help you get familiar with how Tech works and how it will differ from your previous school. There are also some really neat programs that you can sign up for because you’re a transfer.
11. Have some fun!
Although you are at orientation to make sure everything is in order for your start in the fall, you also have to remember that it’s summertime, and you are allowed and expected to have fun. Talk with students and get to know them. You’ll leave RRO with some friends, and will know at least a couple of people when you get back in the fall. Everyone’s new to the college experience. Bond over your expectations and fears over ice cream during the ice cream social. You’ll have a chance to learn the Matador song that is taught to you by the RRO crew.
Are you excited for Texas Tech orientation? Share any questions or tips you have in the comments below!
Featured image source: texastechtridelt.tumblr.com
Francis Martinez is a Journalism major at Texas Tech University. She is fluent in Spanish, loves to eat spicy foods and Luna Smores Bars, and you will often find her watching or attending soccer games. She is left-handed and her two favorite places in the world are Cape Town, South Africa and the neighborhood where she grew up in Texas.