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11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Rutgers Orientation

11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Rutgers Orientation

11 Things I Wish I Knew Before Rutgers Orientation

1. You are going to be tired.

Rutgers Orientation is filled with a lot of activities! You’ll be walking around campuses, going to different buildings around the school, and heck, there’s even a dance party at night! Make sure to get your rest.

2. Orientation is not mandatory.

But in the end, you still have to pay for it. The fee for orientation is included in your term bill and whether you go or not, you have to pay for it. You may as well give it a try!
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3. Hand in all your forms on time!

We all know how it gets when forms aren’t handed in. You don’t want to play the waiting game because of missing documents, especially since it can take up to five to six business days.


4. Don’t be nervous.

Going into orientation I was scared of meeting people and all that jazz, but realistically, you may even meet your future roommate! Don’t be scared and get out there!

5. Take advantage of your orientation leaders.

They are fully equipped to help you answer any questions, and they know Rutgers like the back of their hand. Don’t be afraid to talk to them about anything! My OL was practically my BFF.

6. You benefit by attending!

Along with a lot of free things you receive, you get to really know your campus. You won’t be lost on your first at school, and you can be the one that really knows their stuff (I was the lost puppy during my first day).



7. Follow their packing list.

Everything that they list, you’re going to need. They don’t provide anything else besides bed and food, so make sure to pack all the essentials!

8. You don’t have to impress anyone.

You’re going for yourself and not to impress others. Yes, you will meet hundreds of other students, but that doesn’t mean you have to come all out, suit and tie!

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9. You don’t get to choose your roommates.

When you’re in line standing in alphabetical order, the person behind you and in front of you will end up being your roommates during orientation. Don’t be afraid to talk to them and befriend them!


10. They have a lot planned for you.

Expect to play silly little games, watch music videos created by the staff, send texts on the big screen on display, and a lot more! You’ll be surprised on how much they can squeeze in two days of Rutgers orientation.

11. Get excited.

This may be the place you’ll be for next four to six years! So get excited and get pumped for Rutgers orientation. This is just the beginning of something great. You’ll get to call this place home!

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