11 Reasons I Can’t Wait to Go Back to OSU

Every campus is unique, but OSU is particularly special. From charming places on campus to the best local pizza around, students love it there. Keep reading for the top 11 reasons I can’t wait to go back to OSU!
1. Mirror Lake
This lake is more than it sounds like; it’s a traditional favorite spot on campus. Mirror Lake is one of the best spots to sit, read or enjoy ice cream from the creamery. Oh, and of course this was the prime spot to see the local celebrity on campus, Afroduck.
2. 11th Floor of Thompson Library
This floor provides one of the best study areas (it’s totally silent) along with one of the best views of downtown Columbus out there. The 11th floor looks east, and allows you to see the oval like you never have before.
3. Olentangy Trail
The trail runs over 20 miles total, and branches off into more than one trail when it hits the Scoito River. It’s a great way to get out and explore Columbus as it runs all the way down to the arena district.
4. The Shoe
Nothing beats a Saturday night here cheering on the Buckeyes as they strive for another win. The team spirit is infectious…I cannot wait for the first game in September!
5. Chimes of Orton Hall
The chimes are more than just a way to tell time – they’re a tradition. The rendition of Carmen Ohio is sure to become your new favorite sound.
6. Oxley’s Café
Home to best quesadillas on campus! I can’t wait to stop back in for lunch or dinner after a long day of classes.
7. Woody’s Pizza
Woody’s Pizza is a prime spot to go after a football game; they have some of the best pizza on campus, and the atmosphere is unbeatable.
8. Adriatico’s Pizza
This is by far the best pizza in C-Bus, and they deliver! You can smell it from 12th avenue, so it’s impossible to resist going in, especially when they have Buck ID deals.
9. Crimson Cup Coffee
Found exclusively on campus, this coffee is the best in Ohio. They change up their new flavors every month.
10. School Spirit
I can’t wait to don my Scarlet and Gray and show my Buckeye pride, not only at football games but the whole year round!
11. The Oval
The Oval is the best part of campus by far. I can’t wait to sit here and study, surrounded by fall foliage. Students love to play Frisbee here during the first few weeks of classes. The Oval is my favorite part of campus, and I look forward to going back again.
Why are you excited to go back to OSU? Comment below and share this article with friends!
Featured image sources: civicartsproject.com, shminhe.com
Sarah is a sophomore at Ohio State University studying English and Political Science, and living for the '90s grunge Pandora station and iced coffee.