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10 Yummy Drinks To Have Instead of Beer

10 Yummy Drinks To Have Instead of Beer

An alcoholic drink is essential to any party, BBQ, event, or get-together. If you’re like most people, beer just isn’t your drink of choice. It can be really heavy and even taste really bad to some. Usually, yummy alcoholic drinks are hard to come by if you’re surrounded by beer drinkers.

If you still want to enjoy some alcohol without compromising taste, there are some drinks out there that are actually cheaper, taste better, and even have a little more alcohol than just regular beer. People can make fun of you and your yummy drink all they want, you know you have the better end of the deal.

However, since there are so many different kinds of alcoholic drinks out there, which one should you pick? Not to worry, here is a list of some of the best yummy drinks out there that you can have instead of beer.


1. White Claw

There ain’t no laws when you’re drinking Claws. If you haven’t seen or heard about the famous White Claw drink, they became super popular about a year ago. They are flavored seltzer water WITH alcohol. People raved for their unique and refreshing taste and embraced this new way to consume alcohol. They come in many refreshing flavors like Lime, Grapefruit, and Blackberry. You won’t feel bloated or full when you drink these. Plus, these are also accepted by everyone including beer drinkers, so if you bring a case of these to a party, everyone will thank you!

2. Angry Orchard

Angry Orchards are like the apple cyder for adults. It comes in a refreshing, sweet, and tangy apple juice taste. These also come in many different flavors and varieties like Crisp Apple, Green Apple, and even Rose. With 5% alcohol, there’s no going wrong with this choice. It also comes in a brown, beer-bottle shape so you can blend in with all the beer drinkers.


3. Smirnoff Ice

Have you ever been “Iced?” It’s when you find a Smirnoff Ice that has been hidden by your friends or family, and once you discover it you have to get on one knee and chug instantly. It sounds awful, and some would attest that it is not their favorite thing to do, however, Smirnoff Ice, enjoyed on its own, is amazing. It’s basically an ice-cold lemonade with alcohol that you can’t even taste. Perfect for hot summer, days, no one will say no to a Smirnoff Ice.


5. Bearfoot Wine

Want a wine that’s not too dry or too plain? Bearfoot wine is the perfect mix of sweetness, freshness, and lightness. It comes in many fruity flavors and types like Moscato, Rose, Riesling, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay, and much more. If you’re not trying to lug around a giant wine bottle, they also come in tiny, hand-held sizes that are easy to put in your bag or pocket. Also, at around $10 a bottle, you can bring enough for the whole party!

6. Champagne

The fanciest of drinks is also one of the most inexpensive (if you buy the right one). Champagne is like a delicious sparkly white wine that is a wonderful drink on its own or can be mixed with yummy fruit juices. This is a drink that everyone can get behind. Those beer drinkers will find themselves setting down their bottles and grabbing a glass to join you. Plus, it’s also fun to pop off and watch the champagne exploded. Talk about a crowd-pleaser!


7. Mike’s Hard Lemonade

You’ve seen Mike’s Hard everywhere. It’s at sporting events, outdoor activities, and of course your neighborhood BBQ. It’s lemonade for adults and has a good 5% of alcohol in it. If you need a little more than that, there is always Mike’s Harder that you can grab that has a little bit more alcohol it in. They also now come in tons of different flavors like Strawberry, Peach, Black Cherry, Rasberry, and much more. It is light, refreshing, and will take you back to drinking lemonade on those hot summer days as a kid.

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8. Twisted Tea

Similar to Mike’s Hard, Twisted Tea put’s a twist on a classic, summer drink. Ice tea with a kick is the perfect combination of refreshing and uplifting to help you “unwind with a twist” as their slogan says. It is also the perfect way to slowly ease yourself into a night or day of drinking. So sip that tea sis, and enjoy yourself!


9. Lime-A-Rita

Whoever thought about mixing the taste and flavors of a margarita and a beer, seemed to have a huge task in front of them. However, they must have succeeded on some level because Lime-A-Ritas have become extremely popular among young, old, beer, and non-beer drinkers alike. The taste of Bud Light Lime goes well with the tangy flavors of a margarita.

If lime isn’t your thing, they also come in many other flavors like Mango, Blackberry, Watermelon, and more. They also added some new additions to their non-beer drinks such as wine-inspired cocktails like White Peach Rose and Ritas Fizz which has things like Key Lime Mojito and Passion Fruit Cosmo. Take your pick from any one of these Budlight creations and they will not disappoint!


10. Mead

If you haven’t heard from your hipster friends about mead, that’s shocking. They live for this stuff. Mead is an alcoholic drink (obviously) that is made by fermenting honey with water that is usually mixed with fruits, spices, grains, and others. Hey if you can’t enjoy some beer, then this is the perfect alternative as it comes pretty close. Not only does it look and smell a little like beer, but the tastes are also a little similar. It doesn’t have the same heaviness or will make you feel sluggish after drinking. It stands on its own and can be a great way to try something new.

Which one of these yummy drinks are you going to make your new drink-of-choice? Comment yours down below!

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