10 Yummy Bath & Body Works Candles You Need To Get Your Hands On

Bath and Body Works is a staple for lotions, body wash, perfume, and most importantly – candles. With so many to choose from, it gets hard to find just one or two to decide on. Walking around the store and smelling all the candles can be a lot for your nose to handle, everything will start to blend together smelling the same. If you find yourself in this position, we’ve got you covered. With ten yummy candles ranging from classics, to fruity, to ones in season, there’s a candle for everyone, and some will want to get their hands on all of them.
1. Pumpkin Clove
Bath & Body Works are well familiar with their pumpkin candles. There are so many in stores, each made with a little twist to make it different from the next. Some can be super sweet smelling, and others are on the spicier side. This one falls right in between. Made with clove buds, ground cinnamon, a pinch of nutmeg, fresh pumpkin, and natural essential oils, this candle is the perfect middle ground for someone who likes pumpkin but is not crazy for it. Just the right amount of sweetness, and a lovely spice scent, this candle is ideal for those who want to get into the fall spirit, but not go crazy PSL all day everyday.
2. Whipped Coffee
Attention coffee lovers: this candle is the one for you! The Whipped Coffee candle features a shot of espresso, whipped sweet cream, two pumps of caramel syrup, sugar crystals, and natural essential oils. Sounds like the perfect coffee recipe! When lighting this candle, your room will quickly be filled with this sweet caramel coffee scent. It’s not too light, not too strong, just the right strength of coffee smell. Light this candle in the morning and your house will smell like your favorite coffee shop! And you can even try the recipe too, delicious and will give you a jump start to your morning.
3. Blackberries & Basil
This wonderful fruity candle contains fresh blackberries, sparkling champagne, basil, and natural essential oils. Blackberries & Basil is a great candle for summer, and the summer to fall transition period. If you prefer candles that have strong fruity scents, this candle is the right one for you. The aroma will fill your whole house with this smell, and you’ll probably be able to smell it from your driveway. It is a yummy scent, but strong, so you probably won’t be able to light this for hours. But hey, it will last for a long time.
4. Fairytale
Fairytale is a new addition to the Bath & Body Works collection. It just might become your favorite, too. Fairytale combines pomegranate nectar, fresh orange blossom, vanilla bean, warm amber, and natural essential oils to create this warm, fruity candle. It smells so good, and the packaging is adorable. You can also get fairytale in lotions and body washes. Transform everything into your own little fairytale.
5. Sweater Weather
Sweater Weather smells like crisp, fall morning air. This candle is made with fresh sage, juniper berries, aromatic eucalyptus, fresh woods, and natural essentials. Even if you live in a warm, beach town, this candle will make it feel like you are in a cabin in the mountains during winter. Go on, get that fresh morning air with this candle!
6. Toasted Vanilla Chai
Are you a fan of chai lattes? This candle should be right up your alley then. The Toasted Vanilla Chai is just the right candle to light on a cold gloomy morning. Made with herbal chai, toasted vanilla bean, marshmallow and natural essential oils, this spicy vanilla candle just might become everyone’s favorite. Pair this candle with a comfy cozy day at home, watching movies, sipping chai lattes, and eating comfort food, and you’ll be filled with so much warmth from this relaxing day.
7. Marshmallow Fireside
Everyone gather around the campfire, we are cooking up some marshmallows! With hints of toasted marshmallow, smoldering woods, fire roasted vanilla, crystallized amber, and natural essential oils, this toasty candle will leave you wanting s’more. Turn on the fireplace, light this candle, and relax to the woodys vanilla smell filling the air.
8. Fresh Balsam
These leafy balsam candles are either a love ’em or hate ’em kind of candle. Some people love this fresh leaf and wood smell, and others think it’s just too much. With woodland balsam, crisp eucalyptus, fir branches, cedarwood, and natural essential oils, the fresh balsam candle will have you feeling connected to the Earth. If you are a nature-loving adventurer, this candle is perfect for you!
9. French Baguette
An aroma of slow rising dough, crispy crust, and fresh out of the oven, made with natural essential oils, the French Baguette candle will have you craving fresh french bread. Light this candle in the kitchen, and you’ll trick everyone into thinking you are practicing your bread baking skills. Seriously, it smells so good. Bread lovers out there, run to get this deliciously scented candle. This one is online exclusive, so you’ll have to buy it online, and if you hurry you might be able to catch the sale that is going on right now.
10. Salted Butterscotch
Salted butterscotch, mmmm. Just the idea of this candle smells so yummy. Made with warm brown sugar, sweet cream, a pinch of sea salt, melted butter, and natural essential oils, this candle is finishing off the list of ten yummy candles with one that is just oh so good. Bath and Body Works nailed it with this one, the color of the candle jar, and the aroma matches perfectly to the taste of butterscotch. Lighting this candle will have you thinking you’re in a candy shop.
Note: Bath & Body Works candles should be lit for only up to four hours at a time. We know they smell so good and you can’t get enough, but be careful!