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10 Ways To Sneak A Pet Into Your Dorm

10 Ways To Sneak A Pet Into Your Dorm

Going away to college but don't want to leave your furry friend at home? These are a few ways to sneak a pet into your dorm room!

Nobody wants to leave behind their furry (or even not so furry) friends when they go off to college! We all love the company and happiness that comes with owning a pet, and of course, the constant entertainment. So if you don’t want to leave your 4 (or however many)-legged BFF behind; here are 10 ways to sneak a pet into your dorm.!

1. No dorm can say no to a lady pug.

But really, how adorable is this?

2. Or an octopussycat.

It really can’t get any cuter than that.


3. Nothing fishy about this one…

Pug? Where?

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4. If dinosaurs don’t exist, then can they actually be banned?

This is pure dino-mite.


5. I mean, it’s just sssss-o cute!!

6. If you have another good fish pun….let minnow.

7. If your dorm denies this cutie, they are just the wurst…

8. BAT seriously, how adorable is this lizard?!

9. Okay, let’s taco bout it.

10. No one ever said hot dogs weren’t allowed in the building.
These are 10 ways to sneak a pet into your dorm! How would you sneak a pet into your dorm? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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