10 Ways To Save Space In Your SFSU Dorm

Particularly as a freshman, it is very important that you make sure you are not taking up any unnecessary space in your SFSU dorm. College dorm rooms are small enough as it is, especially living with one (or more) roommates. You wouldn’t want to make a simple mistake in setting up your dorm room that will cost you stress and hassles later on. Keep reading for 10 easy ways you can save space in your SFSU dorm!
1. Get rid of your messy habits.
Do you leave your dirty clothes on the floor? Be honest, some of us get lazy from time to time and can let clothes pile up on the floor. This is terrible in college. At SFSU, most first year dorms are pretty small and your roommate will hate you for leaving socks on the floor. You probably have a hamper, make good use of it!
2. Move furniture around (duh).
Every year there are going to be new people in your particular room, people that have different needs as well as stuff. Depending on what you bring with you while living on campus, you might need to move your beds or even the desk that is in your room. It’s surprising what moving a few things around can do to the extra space you have in your room.
3. Only bring what you know you will need.
Are you really going to wear all of your fifty pairs of shoes? What about that sweater you haven’t worn since middle school? You can leave that stuff behind, it will just take up more room that you can use for a dope record player. If you do happen to bring a bunch of clothes you neglect there are Goodwill donation boxes all across the school. Just bag it up and maybe someone who does need it and will wear it will get their hands on it (or maybe just that hipster chick from down the hall).
4. Be selective if you want to bring stuffed animals.
Your stuffed animals that you’ve had since forever decide to hitch a ride in a box you had specifically for pillows. Well sorry Andy, they might just be taking up precious bed space while not being entirely comfortable.This doesn’t mean you have to leave them all behind, but you will have to make the painful decision of picking favorites.
5. Bring extra boxes.
Boxes and other storage containers are great, especially when they have drawers. You can keep all your snacks, school supplies, books, and even condoms in these things. They make for very organized students and will keep your room free of unnecessary clutter.
6. Improvise.
Finding little things that make sense in putting your room together can lead to a great deal of free space. Some of my friends from down my hall noticed that their mini fridge was the same size as their beds and decided to buy a piece of wood to use as a nightstand. Their room ended up being one of the cleaner rooms I had seen in my first year.
7. Clean your area often.
You’re an adult now, you’ve got to deal with all the chores you never liked doing when living at your parent’s house, only now when you don’t do them they won’t magically go away. Or worse yet, your roommate is going to be a little ticked off that you didn’t clean your dishes or clean the bathroom. If you just take the time to clean at least once a week you’ll have a much nicer room and it will all be clutter free. You get to save space and not have your room smell like pizza (although that doesn’t sound all that terrible).
8. If you live far from home, invest in a cheap storage unit nearby.
This probably won’t apply to too many people, but for those of you who just know you’ll need all five of your surfboards or just know that bringing your officially licensed Yu-Gi-Yo! dueling table will be rewarding in the long run- there are several cheap self storage units nearby the school. Here you can rent out a storage unit to keep any and all things that you feel the need to bring, but lack the space to keep in your room. Some of these places offer free pick-up and often cheap delivery options that will keep everything cost effective for you.
9. Vacuum-seal bags are just great.
If you decide to bring your lifelong wardrobe with you it is good to know that vacuum seal bags are a real thing that actually exist. You may have to also purchase a vacuum however, you could probably just (nicely) ask your RA if you could borrow theirs or borrow one from the front desk. This way you can have all of your clothes only take up a small part of your space.
10. Recycle your old papers and materials.
Sometimes keeping old course work is a good idea. Sometimes you just find it easier than throwing away. It will stack up and you probably don’t need it. Most GE course work is unnecessary to keep, however many people keep it any way. Do yourself a favor and try to only maintain important course work, i.e. for your major.