10 Thoughts Students Have During Midterms

Midterms week is that brutal time when college students realize they seriously need to adjust their study schedule, go to class, and do the assigned readings. It’s a week of all-nighters, papers, tests, projects, rehearsals, junk food, energy drinks, and tears. What exactly goes on in the mind of the average student, though? SOCIETY19 has the answers!
1. Wow, these many people aren’t normally in the library.
Normally Alden is rather vacant during the week. (Especially after 2 a.m.) Midterms week ignites a desire in many students to visit the library for the first time all semester, apparently.
2. When did we learn this?!
As you go through the study guide, you sift through your notes and begin to panic. Archimedes’ principle? Shakespeare’s Othello? Max Weber’s theories? This is not looking too good for you.
3. Well, I could always become a street performer…
Or a professional juggler. Or an acrobat. Or a maid for a millionaire. Ooh, a handsome millionaire. And then he’ll fall in love with me, and I’ll never have to worry about essays or projects or exams. Ever. Or not; I should probably study.
4. When was the last time I ate?
Does eating mints count? No? Well… let me think about that… um…
5. Why am I hearing things? And why can’t I stop blinking?
6. What year is it?
You haven’t slept more than four hours this entire week. You paper isn’t even halfway finished. You still have two tests tomorrow. You haven’t bathed all week (and it shows). Heck, you’ve even been wearing the same shirt since Sunday.
7. Maybe my professor will let me submit this paper late….
This is the point of desperation. You start looking for any and every way to cut corners. Have assigned readings you never touched? Sparknotes. You may even begin to look on quizlet for possible test questions and their answers; anything to make it so you don’t have to hunch over your textbook for another three hours.
8. What’s the lowest possible grade I need to pass?
Psshh. Challenge accepted, Gandolf.
Hey, you’ll probably calculate your estimated GPA after it’s all said and done, too.
9. I need food. And sleep.
Aaaaannnddd cue crying.
10. I miss my mom. And my dog. And home.
Not sure in which order.
Did you enjoy reading 10 Thoughts Students Have During Midterms Week? Any other thoughts students have? Comment below or share with a friend!
Featured Image Source: studyatnight.
Sydney Dawes is an Ohio University student studying journalism. Her passions include writing, social media, Netflix, Pokemon, the color yellow, and betta fish. After earning her degree, Sydney plans on becoming a foreign correspondent for Middle Eastern affairs. Or going to law school. She really doesn’t know. Twitter: @sydneydawes_95, Instagram: @syd_the_kid1995