10 Things You’ll Miss About SJU Over The Summer

Alright, it’s nearly time, the semester is nearly over. You’re ready to go home, I’m ready to go home, we’re ALL ready to go home! You get to be in your own bed, you get home cooked meals, you’re not in charge of your laundry anymore, and you get to see your dog (everyone in college seems to have a dog). But there are things you may miss, I know you think I’m lying but let me remind you of the few great things you’ll miss the most about SJU over the summer!
1. Campus Dining
I know, you’re probably cringing. You’re thinking, “Really? Is she serious?” Hear me out, yeah, you’re about to get home cooked meals but how often is that going to happen once your parents are over you being home? Be honest with yourself. The novelty of you being home is gonna wear off after a week and then you’re going to be fending for yourself. Sure, you might still get dinner on the reg but what about lunch and breakfast? This is why you’ll miss campus dining, you can just get food, nice and easy, with minimum effort at any time of the day. Taco Bell, Burger King, the Diner…even Monty’s.
2. Your Friends
Probably the thing you will miss most about SJU over the summer. I’m sure you have friends at home (I hope you have friends at home). If you don’t, this might be a great time to make some. Either way, your home friends and your college friends are different. You’ve been through some fun and crazy times together, you’ve seen each other through some hard times and now, they’re kind of like family. Family you’re going to be apart from for a few months. You can argue that you’re away from your REAL family for a few months during the semester if you want to, but that’s different and you know it.
3. Campus Activities
These you’ll miss because you don’t really have to go anywhere to have a reasonably good time with your friends. Anything that involves fun and minimum effort on my part is a definite plus. Not to mention most activities on campus are free or discounted for SJU students as long as you have your Storm Card. Also, it’s fun if you don’t know something’s going on, and you walk onto the strip and find DJ Zeke playing, and people just dancing and having a good time. Another thing you might miss, the stream of DJs we always seem to have going on here.
4. The drunk yelling at random times in the morning.
I will admit that I’m reaching a little with this one BUT hear me out. Yeah, they’re annoying. You don’t even know why they went out on a Wednesday night and yeah, you have a 7:30 the next day. The people who yell at them to shut up are arguably just as annoying if not more so…BUT-but…yeah, I have no way to spin this into a good thing. Unless you’re one of those people who yells at them to shut up and you’ll miss your little game or hobby or whatever it is.
5. Public Safety
You’re going to miss Public Safety because they give you the confidence to walk around at night with no fear, even during the day, plus they send you those helpful emails about areas to be careful in and recent incidents. This is the cover story, what you’re really going to miss is the opportunity to get your tuition covered by the school. Be honest, part of you is plotting and hoping to get hit by a Public Safety car, which is a very possible scenario. Your chances decrease significantly if you’re not on campus.
6. People in their pajamas.
You might know some of these people personally, you might be one of these people. If you’re neither of these, then you’re going to miss them because they make you feel like you have your life together even though you probably don’t. You didn’t hand in your paper quite on time and the professor might be mad but at least you showered and put “real” pants on. You’re broke because you blew all of your money on Chinese food (things I do regularly) but at least you don’t look like you just rolled out of bed.
7. Getting money from your parents.
Most people have jobs, I sincerely believe that being sassy is mine, so let’s re-phrase to most people have PAYING jobs. Even then, your parents probably supplement your income a little or, if you’re like me, just give you money monthly. I like to look at it as payment for being such an amazing child rather than an allowance, but in essence that’s what it is. Once I get home, I know very well that my parents are going to stop giving me money unless there is bribery and blackmail involved and I’m fairly sure that your parents will stop giving you money too.
8. The Parties
Unless you’re 21, or have a fake ID, you probably can’t get into clubs because, America. So, the parties here were great because you only had to be 18 to party and most of the time, Storm Cards waere an acceptable form of ID. Now you have to go back to staying in on Friday nights (I assume) or drinking in Johnny’s basement (another thing I assume). Who is Johnny? I have no idea. Whatever you may be spending your Fridays doing now, it’s probably a lot harder than it was to get into parties here which sucks if you like to party. Not to mention there was a party virtually every weekend.
9. Exercising without even meaning to.
If you’re not a person who goes to the gym or enjoys working out, the endless hills and stairs at this school were great for you because it felt like you weren’t being totally lazy and you could probably count all the flights of stairs you climbed in one day as a form of exercise. If you like to work out, it was just an added bonus for you.
10. Your Independence
Undoubtedly the thing you’ll miss the most about SJU over the summer, being independent. When you go back home, you’re living in your parent’s house again and they WILL want to be in your business. Where you’re going, who you’re going with, and what time you’ll be back, whether or not it’s safe. You’re not the adult you’ve been pretending to be and you remember that this is in fact life and not the college edition of Sex and the City or Friends. (How great would it be if it were though?) You’re kind of grown up now but your parents will NEVER see it that way and you’re probably going to hear the spiel about their rules under their roof more than once. Not to mention, you’re once again a glorified errand boy/girl and you’re shopping for the groceries and acting as a chauffeur for your siblings.
What else will you miss about SJU over the summer? Comment below and share this article with fellow SJU friends!
Featured image source: redfin.com, redstormsports.com
Tiara Msiza is a 19 year old girl who’s wandered far from home but not nearly far enough. No major as of yet but interests (things she can’t live without) include: writing, reading, singing, listening to music and having a great time by exploring as much of the world of possible.