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10 Things I Will Miss Most About Kent State Over The Summer

Although there are many things I will hesitate to leave behind this summer as I cruise away in a car packed with dorm room supplies, the following is a list of just 10 opportunities I will miss most about Kent State over the summer – even more than Kent State’s famous fuzzy black squirrels…

1. The Meal Plan

Because we all know meal plan money is invisible, right? Thanks, student loans, for feeding me so I don’t have to pay out of pocket until after graduation. Kent has food for every craving, the options are limitless! You go to Rosie’s for the milkshakes and fries, to Eastway for the stir-fry, to the Student Center for the pizza, sushi, and imitation Chipotle. Sometimes you don’t want mom’s cooking because you can choose what you want where you want and it’s all within walking distance.

2. What Curfew?

If you have strict parents or live in the middle of nowhere, you understand what it’s like to be indoors before dark. At Kent State, even the classes go on after dark. Some say nothing good happens after midnight, but here at Kent sometimes you have to stay up until 3 a.m. writing that essay that’s due in a few hours. Whether you’re partying or cramming for an exam, Kent’s lights never go out.

3. The lunch dates with friends.

Eating with friends is far better than eating alone. It’s nice to take time to catch up, talk about classes, and enjoy good food with friends who live within walking distance. It’s like one big family dinner table. Wherever you go, you don’t have to be alone.

4. Thirsty Thursdays

Because where else do you go out on a Thursday night? TGIF? I don’t think so. Instead, you can party all night (thanks to that no-curfew rule) and not have to worry about classes until Monday. If you’re a partier, Thursday is your prime. I don’t encourage underage drinking, but let’s be honest: this is college. College gives the gift of a three-day weekend.

5. Your own little “house.”

Living in a dorm room, or even your own apartment, is like having your own little home for nine months out of the year. Here you can invite over anyone you want, decorate however you please, and not have to worry about someone unwanted barging in on your date with Ben and Jerry.

6. We have more than just a Breakfast Club.

We all know from the Black Squirrel Festival how many on-campus clubs are shoved into freshman’s faces, and I have to say that is one of the best things about Kent State. There seems to be a student organization for every interest including art, athletics, cult television shows, and let’s not forget Greek life. You build friendships in these clubs that can sometime be your weekly “me time” when you throw your coursework to the back of your mind and gather with friends to celebrate mutual hobbies.

7. Being able to walk everywhere.

Everything is in walking distance. Sure, some people might choose to take the bus if it’s raining or snowing or, well, both in Ohio. Despite the PARTA bus services offered, a walk across campus is less than twenty minutes. You shouldn’t have to worry about being late to a class as long as you have your feet to move you. Also, walking is healthy. If you don’t have time to go to the fitness center, you still might get enough walking in to be equivalent to the 10,000 steps-per-day suggested by the Surgeon General.

See Also

8. Easy access to get some exercise.

The Student Recreation and Wellness Center is a great place to get in your daily workout through either swimming in the Olympic-sized pool, running around in circles on the track, or totally killing it on the cardio and weight machines. Did I mention the racquet ball courts, the sauna, and the rock climbing wall? Because the rec center is within walking distance, it is a great place to meet up with a workout buddy. There are also fitness classes offered, personal training, and studio space. Plus, the Summit Street Cafe is located inside with a variety of good eats from wraps to post-workout smoothies.

9. The free entertainment.

Whether you are a movie buff or a sports fan, Kent offers plenty of free entertainment options. For the theater goer, your Flash ID scores you free tickets to the latest student musical. The KIVA offers Real Late Reels every Friday and Saturday night, featuring the latest movies on DVD. It seems like there is always a sign outside of the MACC Annex advertising a basketball or volleyball game. Let’s not forget football season. Those tickets are free, too. As long as it’s a home game, admittance is free with ticket.

10. And finally, yes, even the classes…

Maybe I’m a bit of a nerd, but I will miss the classes, or rather the time they take up. Sitting on the couch all day watching Netflix gets old. It’s too hot to go outside and your friends are all at work (probably where you should be, too). But the classes take up a good chunk of your time, and if they are applicable to your major can be very interesting. The classes we take are like little windows through which we see our career.

What else will you miss about Kent State over the summer? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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Kathryn Monsewicz

Kathryn Monsewicz is a journalism major at Kent State University. Her goal is to give readers stories they can see, feel, listen to and love. Her focus is in magazine journalism with the ultimate dream of becoming a traveling journalist.

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