10 Things to Pack in your Shower Caddy

There is only so much room in your shower caddy and for some people it isn’t easy to figure out what to put in it. What exactly will you need when you go to the shower? Living in the dorms isn’t like living at home, especially if you are forced to share a communal bathroom. If you forget something while in the shower, you’re kind of out of luck. Here’s what to always packing in your shower caddy.
1. Body Wash
This is a no-brainer as you need to wash our body with something. That’s the point of a shower, right?
2. Loofah
With body wash, comes a loofa. As you probably already know, these things come in so many different styles and sizes. Get one that you like best and is easy to carry in your shower caddy.
pc: laurie on Pinterest
3. Shampoo & Conditioner
Though you might not wash your hair everyday it’s better to always have it with you for those just in case moments.
4. Shower shoes
Communal bathroom showers are gross. No matter how clean they look they’re still not as clean as your shower at home, so shower shoes are a must. You probably don’t want to know what’s living on the shower floors and walls, and you probably want to avoid touching them as much as possible. A pair of Old Navy flip flops always works fine!
5. Face Wash
Why not wash your face while washing the rest of your body? It saves time and it’s super convenient.
6. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
If you really want to save some time just bring your toothbrush into the shower with you.
7. Shaving Cream & Razors
Let’s be honest, once the end of fall hits and you’re wearing pants all the time, shaving really only happens on the weekends. You might think, “I’ll just bring these to the shower with me when I know I’m going to shave.” But, when you forget, you’re going to wish you just stuck it in the caddy.
8. Face cloth & Towel
The WORST thing ever is when you forget your towel and you’ve already gotten in the shower. You could wear a bathrobe and just change into it before you leave your room, but if you’re not comfortable walking the halls in a robe, then always remember to bring a towel. To make it easy, after you do laundry, stick a clean towel on top of your caddy, that way you can’t forget it.
9. A shower cap
These things are a charm for the busy (or lazy) college student. Sometimes all you need is a quick wash and rinse in the shower and don’t have time to do wash your hair and do it all over again. Put your hair in a bun and stick one of these bad boys on. The most you’ll have to do is a 5-minute touch up.
10. Body and face moisturizer
One of the best things you can do for your skin is apply moisturizer right after your shower. Especially if you like your shower really hot, showers tend to dry out your skin over time. Avoid this by putting on lotion that you pack in your shower caddy.
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Jasmine is a student at Kansas State University majoring in Psychology and International Studies with a minor in Spanish. She likes fashion, traveling, yoga, and pretending she knows what she’s doing in life.