10 Things That Actually Happen During BU Sorority Recruitment

BU Sorority Recruitment can be intimidating because you’re basically being judged. But it is important to remember that you’re also judging the sororities just as hard as they’re judging you. So relax. Yes, there are plenty of BU sorority recruitment horror stories but rushing (and Greek life in general) is very different at BU compared to most schools. Keep reading for 10 things that actually happen during BU Sorority Recruitment!
1. The T will definitely be packed.
Rush is nerve-wracking enough without being in a hurry and worrying about being late. Especially on the first day of rush, everyone is trying to take the T to the same place so make sure that you give yourself enough time to get ready and get there without having to stress. Uber is always another option if the T is too packed or you don’t have time to wait. With all the girls waiting around the T you’re guaranteed to find someone to split an Uber with.
2. Spring doesn’t always mean that it will be warm in Boston.
BU rush is during the Spring Semester but spring in Boston is not warm so remember that when you’re getting dressed. The good thing about BU rush is that we don’t have houses so you can leave all your stuff in the main room where you’ll all hang out. So feel free to walk in looking like an Eskimo and shed a few layers inside.
3. Plan out your food orders a head of time (there’s an app for that).
Rush is exhausting and you need to refuel yourself during the day but you don’t get a long time to eat and the lines are always ridiculously long with all the girls flocking to Sweetgreen and Starbucks. The best thing to do is to order your food online and possibly ahead of time if you can. Lots of places now a days have apps that allow you to order and pay through the app letting you skip the lines.
4. You will have to ignore the gossip and go your own way.
Every day after rush there are a million things buzzing through your mind and all you want to do is gossip with your friends. But just because you and your friend are compatible doesn’t mean they’ll be compatible for the same sorority as you. As hard as it may be you shouldn’t talk too much about your experiences each day because you don’t want to influence your friends opinions or the other way around.
5. You will repeat yourself. Repeatedly.
Rush can get annoying and draining because you’re having to put in so much energy to make it seem like you’re interested in the conversation when you’ve actually had the same conversation all day. You have to just suck it up and smile because as annoying as it may be you have to introduce yourself and get through the basic conversation topics to get into the deep stuff later.
6. You will get ideas for what to wear each day from the other PNMs.
Each day of rush has a different dress code. Most girls spend a while preparing their outfits ahead of time which is a good idea to save time but you can always get outfit ideas for the next day from all the girls around you.
7. You will be able to bond with others over being nervous.
Technically you’re not supposed to talk when you’re waiting outside the door to go but who can help it when you’re so anxious! Don’t feel intimated by the other girls in your group instead you can quickly bond with them about how nervous you all obviously are. You never know who will become your sister in the next few days!
8. Girls will name drop people they know in each house.
Since rush is in Spring semester everyone already knows someone in a sorority or has some connection- especially the sophomores. Some girls like to brag about who they know and how they know they’re guaranteed a bid in a sorority but that is never true. No matter who you know you’re never guaranteed a bid so don’t let them in your head.
9. You’ll end up loving more than just one sorority during BU Sorority Recruitment.
There is a variety of girls in each sorority and everyone is nice so you’ll definitely like more than one sorority. Each day it gets harder and harder to choose what sororities you like best and there’s really no way to find out which one is the best for you because they’re all great. You really just have to go with your gut and you can always be friends with the girls you meet regardless of what sorority you choose.
10. You’ll 100% fall in love with your sorority on bid day.
Whether you get a bid from your top choice sorority or not you will 100% fall in love with your sorority on bid day. Waiting to open your bid is incredibly exciting and nerve-wracking but the second you read those letters and start running to your chapter you can’t wipe the smile off your face.