10 Things NOT To Do When Your Girlfriend Is On Her Period

When your girlfriend is on her period, it’s crucial to be extra sensitive to her feelings. Here are a few things NOT to do when that time of the month comes around.
1. Flaunt the perks of being a guy.
She doesn’t want to know how thankful you are you don’t have to bleed for three to seven days every month.
2. Ask for a blowjob.
You should be asking her if she needs anything instead. During her period her needs should come first.
3. Question the amount of food she’s eating.
She doesn’t need you counting how many slices of pizza she just ate.
4. Freak out when she bleeds through her clothes and it gets on the sheets.
Accidents happen and it is perfectly normal. If this does happen, do her a favor and soak it in cold water.
5. Ask questions about her period
She doesn’t need you asking if she bleeds through all her holes or asking how she doesn’t die from bleeding for so long. If these are questions you ask, you definitely need to enroll in period 101.
6. Argue with her.
Let her be right even when she’s wrong.
7. Make her get out of the house.
When your girlfriend is on her period, all she wants to do is curl up in a ball wearing a baggy shirt, sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and no bra, while eating Nutella or ice cream and watching Netflix. Simple.
8. Complain.
She doesn’t need to hear how her period is inconveniencing you.
9. Change the channel.
Never change the channel. Even if it’s a show you totally hate, suck it up and watch it with her.
10. Refuse to have sex with her.
She’s a horny mess and if she wants sex, give her sex (just be careful with her tender boobs).
Any other advice on what NOT to do when your girlfriend is on her period? Comment below!Featured image source: freethoughtblogs.com
Chantell Migadde is a undergraduate freshman at United States International University - Africa studying Finance. She loves writing and is a Wattpad addict. Her favorite things include; food, Netflix, sleeping and music among other things.