10 Things To Do Before Ohio University Move In day

Starting college is a bit like entering a new life. Before you head off to Ohio University in the fall, you should do everything you can to seal up your life at home. You won’t regret making the most of your last few weeks of summer! Keep reading for 10 things you should do before Ohio University Move In day.
1. Go to all your favorite restaurants.
Especially when you will be spending the next couple months in a place like Athens, going to your favorite local or chain restaurants is a must. Hopefully this will help fight off those late night milkshake cravings from your local diner.
2. Finish that summer bucket list.
We all have made a thousand bucket lists and never exactly finished them. Completing your list will help you make your last summer before college unforgettable. Make a schedule by putting events in your phone calendar if necessary. Just get it done!
3. Do something crazy.
Live your last moments at home with no regrets. Enjoy being with your high school friends and live on the edge (as long as you stay safe). Do the things you know you can tell stories about later in your life.
4. Be positive.
Don’t start drama or get in fights with others. Whether it’s your parents or your friends, your last summer isn’t the time to be crying or fighting.
5. Add a spice of “college” to your wardrobe.
Go on a shopping spree! Get some new clothes that will make you feel confident when you’re making new friends in college. Check out this link for fashion advice to beat Athens weather.
6. Let your parents know how thankful you are.
Make sure to thank them for helping you get to college and for coming to all your sports events, or awards ceremonies in high school. Spend some quality time with them and don’t forget to tell them you love them.
7. Prepare for change.
This step will take more mental action, rather than physical. Make sure you know your life is about to change drastically, and it will probably be for the better.
8. Go college shopping.
If you don’t do this, you won’t survive in college, literally. Designate a day this summer to hit the big stores like Target or Bed Bath and Beyond to purchase all your essentials. Before you do this, be sure you have a place to keep all your things before the big move-in day.
9. Give back.
Have any adult figures like teachers or friends’ parents that you would like to surprise with a thank you gift? Have a boss at work that you want to send a thank you card to? Make sure you let the important people in your life know how much they helped you during your high school, or even grade school days.
10. Have one last night with your friends.
Plan a get together with everyone. Go out to dinner, or just hang at someone’s house. You’ll have to say goodbye at one point, and it’s better to have all your friends there when you do. Things may get emotional, so be prepared.