Hitting snooze on your alarm 5 times before you realize you’re going to be late for class.
Spending hours a day binge-watching a new TV series that you’re completely obsessed with.
Never wanting to get in the showers because that would mean getting out of a warm bed, and being cold afterwards.
Knowing you have an essay do in two weeks but not starting until the night before it’s due.
Or the art of rushing through the reading right before class starts.
Being too lazy to go to the library, but then not doing any work because of all the distracting stuff in your dorm.
Letting laundry pile up until you absolutely have nothing to wear, and then still waiting another couple of days to do it.
Walking to class when it is cold outside. It should be illegal to make us walk in any temperature under 40 degrees.
When your best friend lives in the same building as you, but you FaceTime them anyway so you don’t have to leave your bed.
When someone asks you if you want to go to the gym, you laugh, because we all know snacks are more important than squats.
Applying to – and choosing where to go to – college is a stressful yet exciting time in most young…
A lot of college experiences tend to be universal, like pulling all nighters or that freshman 15. But here are…
Before I dive into this article and my journey of what it's like to be in college without a mom,…
Snow can be quite the acquired taste, and many people have a distaste for winter and all the things that…
At San Diego State University, Greek life plays a huge role on campus. Approximately 15% of students on campus are…
You just can’t anymore. Classes are difficult. The professor never responds to your e-mails. You had a fight with your…