10 Self Care Essentials To Do DAILY

Self-care is a healthy and essential way to decompress from life’s stressors. Visiting your nearby salon or spa may be out of the question, but here are 10 ways to make time for self-care each day. A lot of people tend to overlook self-care, not really sure of what it involves or how it can benefit us. Self-care is just as important as any other type of care! We all need time to relax and everyone is always looking for stress relief. While stress relief may come in many forms, look no further! Stay tuned for 10 tips.
1. Exercise
Before we hear the “ugh, really?” give this one some thought. When I wake up before work, the last thing I want to do is a workout. However, if you give yourself an extra 10-15 minutes before work or school, you’d be surprised the difference that it can make. I did this one morning where I forced myself out the door, and ran about a half-mile, a literal circle around my neighborhood culdesac. While I hope I have caught your interest, keep in mind that exercise comes in many forms. For my nutrition class, we had a homework assignment to practice a new type of exercise and comment on the results. I practiced yoga for this assignment, and just within those first few minutes of stretching, I saw a change in my mood, stress levels, and overall flexibility. Even if you do some light stretching in the morning, this may help you feel refreshed, more alert, or just overall help you feel better. When we think of self-care we often think of pedicures, facials, and massages. While those are luxurious, we need to take care of ourselves from the inside, out!
2. Bubble Bath
Mmm, now comes all the fun. There is something about warm, soothing bubbles combined with a sweet scent that feels like pure bliss to a stressed-out soul. It can be hard honestly to not fall asleep in a bubble bath, that is how soothing it is. Make sure to bring a magazine, and light some candles to add to the soothing environment. Bring exfoliator or body polish, and spoil yourself!
3. Do It For You
One form of self-care is definitely doing something that you enjoy, making time out of your day specifically for it. This could be going to the mall, going for a walk, going for a drive, journaling, calling a friend, and so on. We must listen to our bodies and our minds when we find ourselves feeling stressed, and taking a step back from our intense routines can make a huge difference!
4. Face Mask
When we hear face mask, we automatically think face mask! Some types of face masks that I recommend are Origins ‘rose clay’, ’10 minutes out of trouble’, or ‘clear improvement’, it just depends on your skin type and what you are looking for. Get in some sweatpants or in the bath, and lather on that face mask!
5. Beauty Sleep
This may be another eye roll, but it is true. On average, your body needs 8 hours of sleep to function properly, I know that sounds so textbook. To fuel your body for that test, or meeting you may have today, get plenty of rest! Try to challenge yourself by going to bed 30 minutes earlier, and gradually you’ll find a routine that works for you. I am not a morning person, so this can be hard, but when I get enough sleep I can tell in how energized I am!
6. Superfoods
You may find that this rule is overdone, but fueling your body with nutrients will always be a top priority. Similar to sleeping, when you fuel your body with berries, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats, you’ll find that you have more energy than if you ate a pizza. I mean, I like pizza, but it is important to get enough greens! More specifically, superfoods like kale, blueberries, apples, and so on, provide us with a sufficient amount of antioxidants that we need to tackle the day.
7. Get Some Rays
For a lot of us, self-care can apply to our emotional well being. It may sound obvious, but getting some sunlight can have a drastic impact on your mood, which in turn, can make you feel more emotionally healthy. Even just by driving in the car you can allow yourself to take in the vibrant rays.
8. Listen
One important way to monitor and maintain proper self-care is to listen to yourself and seek the proper help if needed. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or unsure of something, it is okay to talk to a counselor. There is no shame in asking for help, that’s what it is there for. Being in your 20’s is a huge rollercoaster, so don’t worry, and try to make the most of it!
9. Read
Believe it or not, reading is a part of self-care. Reading is also relaxing and can be a good way to help you fall asleep. While you are reading, (like this article for example), you are obtaining knowledge on something, being entertained, or your mind is occupied on something, thus making it stress relief.
10. Breathe
One sure way to monitor your self-care is by breathing techniques. I was unsure at first when I heard this, but after practicing it myself, it can really help to focus on the present, and not have our minds wander; you may have heard the term mindfulness. It works the same way, but you can find simple breathing techniques to soothe anxiety! You can find these on either Youtube or google!
Self-care is something we often overlook, not really seeing how it can benefit us. I hope this article gave you some background or some general tips on how to utilize these self-care essentials! Comment below which one was your favorite! Thank you for reading, and I hope everyone enjoyed my article!
Feature Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/439875088607012917/
Senior at UMass Dartmouth with a minor in communications, writing has always been a part of me. I believe writing is a powerful form of self-expression, and I couldn't have found an internship more aligned with my goals to pursue a career in this field.