10 Recipes With Protein Powder That Aren’t Drinks

Alright- time to be honest. Every single time I have bought protein powder and tried drinking it… whether it be in smoothies, blended with water, or really in any beverage concoction you can think of, I absolutely hated it– I think it tastes awful. But then I discovered that there are other ways to use protein powder, like adding it to your food. So, learn from my mistakes and read on for some delicious recipes that– surprisingly– include protein powder!
1. Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal
Top with honey, fruit, or peanut butter! Get the recipe here!
2. Pizza Crust
Did you know you can make your favorite homemade pizza, and still enjoy the benefits of protein powder?! Neither did I! Get the recipe here.
3. Protein Fudge
Get the recipe here.
4. Protein Thin Mints
Not your average Girl Scout cookies…Get the recipe here.
5. Pumpkin Protein Pancakes
Get them here.
6. Cake Batter Balls
Make them yourself here.
7. Protein Ice Cream
Indulge! Find the recipe here.
8. Muscle Mashed Potatoes
Find out how to make them here.
9. Vanilla Protein Cheesecake
Bake it yourself here.
10. Protein Bars
Spice up your homemade granola bars here.
What’s your favorite way to add protein powder to your diet? Let us know in the comments below or share this article with a friend!
Featured Image Source: undressedskeleton.
Kim Meneo is a student at Connecticut College studying English and environmental science. In her free time, she volunteers at a local equine rescue and produces freelance articles for several companies. During the summer, she can usually be found relaxing on the beach with a good book. Any questions, concerns, or general inquiries can be emailed to her at kmeneo@conncoll.edu