10 Reasons Work Friends Are The Best Kind Of Friends

1. They see you at your worst…and still love you.
You know those days you just roll out of bed; your hair still disheveled from the night before, makeup smeared under your eyes…poorly covered up with a headband and a layer of foundation – your work friends notice but don’t bat an eye. In fact, they probably tug at you with excitement for details on the previous evening’s festivities. And guess what – they all know you wore those jeans to work yesterday – but they couldn’t care less!
2. They step in to help when things get bad.
Sometimes work environments can be pretty hard on the self esteem. Customers and employers alike tend to forget that the employees are real life human beings who make mistakes – not emotionless robots. Whenever you’re experiencing one of these low days, your work friends know right away and swoop in to save you – whether that means putting themselves in the line of fire to take the bullet or just taking an extra long lunch break with you to vent it out.
3. They’ve got your back when you’re sick or just are not feeling it.
I am definitely guilty of calling in sick on those days when mustering up the energy to drag myself through work’s doors seems impossible. As soon as I call my work friends to update them on my sudden sickness – they know exactly when I’m lying, but instinctively wish me to “get better (wink wink).” Chances are your work friends have been in the same position and know you’d do the same for them.
4. They know all of your weird quirks.
I feel sorry for my work friends; I am such a quirky person with unique ways, like making strange noises under stress. But this is just one of the things that makes work friends the best kind of friends – they know your weird tendencies…and have learned to totally accept them (or at least gotten used to them)!
5. You have a mutual agreement that your workplace is the absolute worst.
This is the topic in which you all bonded for the first time…and it’s the glue that holds you together. What’s friendship without being able to vent and complain over the same things (am I right)? From the company continuously being out of stock (forcing you to take the brunt of crazy customer complaints), to super demanding bosses, to blasphemously low wages – you know there’s always one thing you can bond about with your work friends: how much work sucks.
6. They understand the struggle.
The struggle of life (work, school, extracurricular, relationships) is something you all talk about openly. You know when you get to work and have some downtime, you can vent to them about all the things that you are struggling with, knowing they’ll have a similar story to share. Work friends feel your struggle, they understand completely.
7. They know a lot about you.
When you work together, it’s inevitable that you sped a lot of time together, which ultimately leads to getting to know each other pretty well. Suddenly, your work friends know all your deep and dark secrets; thanks to late work nights or after work happy hours that obviously led to deep and intense conversations. They know your likes, your dislikes, your favorite products, and the way you look when you’re about to lose it. Work friends know everything about you – best friends know everything about you.
8. You are all so different, but that’s what makes it work.
The thing with a job is that it comes with such a wide variety of unique people. It’s a wonder how in the world you’re able to get along sometimes. But that’s exactly what makes it work. Because you are forced to work together, you are also forced to learn how to adapt to different personalities. Ever heard of the saying, “opposites attract?”
9. Your friendship doesn’t end at work.
Even though you’ve spend 40 hours this week with them…you still ask if they want to hang out on the weekend. You go bowling, you party together, you hang out in your room together and watch TV. You’d think you’d be bored with them after spending so much time with them in the workplace, but in fact, it’s the complete opposite. You are always finding time to hang out with each other outside of work!
10. They make going to work enjoyable.
Let’s face it…none of us really want to go to work. But thanks to your work friends, the thought of going to work actually becomes bearable. Even if work is the worst place ever, you’ll get to enjoy the company of a few good people…and that makes it all worth it.
Featured image source: pexels.com
Kaitlin is currently a Junior English Major with a Creative Writing Certificate, Spanish and Psychology Minor at Northern Illinois University. She is a Delta Zeta, Gamma Rho Chapter. She spends her free time crafting, watching Doctor Who, and planning out her next vacation.