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10 Reasons Why You Should Apply To Notre Dame College

10 Reasons Why You Should Apply To Notre Dame College

10 Reasons Why You Should Apply To Notre Dame College

So, you are curious to learn about Notre Dame College. Well, you have come to the right place. Welcome to Notre Dame College, a place that is accepting of diversity, as well as a place where incoming college students can have the opportunity to learn new things. Do you want to know anything about Notre Dame College? Well, you are in luck, because today, you are going to learn new information about one of Ohio’s top colleges: Notre Dame College!

1. The College Is Accepting Of People Of All Disabilities

The Thrive Learning Center, formally called the Academic Support Center, is known for being accepting of people of all disabilities. If you are a person with a disability, then the Thrive Learning Center is the perfect place to be. However, if you are not a person on disability, and you fear that there is no other place to go see a tutor, take a test, or a quiz, and you feel as if though there is not a learning center available for you, then there is no need to worry. There is an alternative center, called the Dwyer Center, which is for students with non-disabilities. The purpose of the Thrive Learning Center is to empower disabled students to overcome their disabilities to achieve success in life.

2. The College Has NDC Students Do Fun Activities

Notre Dame organizes lots of fun events, like laser tag. In addition to this, some other campus activities include yoga, open mic night, bingo, and Finals Week De-Stress Fest.


3. The College Has Some Great Tutors

From my personal experience, The College of Notre Dame has some great tutors and instructors that are really nice and helpful. What also adds to the niceness of the Notre Dame Tutors is that some of them are Catholic tutors are called the Sisters of Notre Dame. There are also tutors who are both experienced and skilled in mathematics, and how to write papers for your classes. Are you a student having trouble with an assignment? Never fear! That’s what the tutors are there for.

4. The Staff At Notre Dame College Care About Student Success

The staff at Notre Dame College also care about student success and always want the students there to do well. If you want to be a successful student, then what I would suggest is to occasionally do some research about wanting to learn new ways to be a successful student. The reason why is because when you are learning how to be successful, this research will ultimately prove to be worth it in the end as it will prove to be very helpful to you. From my personal experience, doing this research has helped me succeed and reach my fullest potential.

5. The College Has An Interesting History

For starters, the idea for the college began in the late 1870’s, when a group of Catholic Sisters had fled the country of Germany. The reason why was because at that time, there was a war, and the Catholic Sisters, not wishing to participate in the war, decided to flee to America to establish a school here in Ohio. In the year 1915, the school would be established, and in 1923, classes were open, and hence the school of Notre Dame College was born.


6. You Will Have A Great Time Learning New Things At Notre Dame

Although it might be a stressful experience, there is no need to worry in regards to what might happen. Despite how stressful things might be, you will soon find that it is worth it in the end. The reason why is because you might actually learn some things that might capture your interest.

7. It Is Very Well Received And Reviewed

According to many reviews for Notre Dame College, the college has time and time again been received positively by critics, students, and staff members. The reason why that is is because NDC does a good job of making student’s school experiences unforgettable. And that, I think, is what also makes NDC a great college to go to.

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8. If You Fail Or Do Horribly On A Test Or Exam, There Is No Need To Worry

There is no need to have any worries if you are having some trouble with understanding homework or schoolwork because there are teachers there that will be more than happy to help you out in case you need to get something understood for the next time. Failing or doing horrible on a test or an exam or a homework assignment is typical, especially for incoming freshmen. While you cannot control your failures, the best you can do is work to overcome them, so you will know to do better next time.

9. NDC Gives You An Opportunity To Get Involved With School Activities

What I mean by getting involved is getting involved in certain activities at your local college. For example, let us say that you happen to be playing a sport, so you go and sign up and apply for tryouts for the sport you play for your college sports team. This sport that you play can be any kind of sport, ranging from sports like soccer, baseball, basketball, or tennis. Also, if your school has a performing arts class, feel free to join that class as well.

10.) You Will Participate in Fun Activities

It is always good to participate in activities that are fun to enjoy in college. For example, let’s say that you are deeply interested in doing performing arts, so what you do is that you ask your college advisor if you want to take a performing arts class in advance during the summer before school starts. Let’s also say that you want to take an art class or a sport, then you will also have to ask your college advisor about that as well. If your academic advisor is okay with you participating in a sport or a performing arts class, then you will have a great time there. You might sometimes struggle with some things at your college, like what type of monologue to use for your audition, or what type of song to use for your audition.  This is okay, even I can personally relate to struggles like this, especially when I have a lot of things on my mind that I have to do.


Notre Dame is a great school and I’d totally recommend applying! If you’re already a student at Notre Dame, what’s your favorite thing about the school? Let us know in the comments!