10 Reasons to Love Fall at FSU

My favorite time of the year is right around the corner. I’m so excited to be able to spend it at one of my favorite places on earth – that’s right, fall at FSU is quickly approaching. What’s the best part you ask? It’s that Florida State has so much more to fall in love with (see what I did there?) than just seasonal pumpkin spice.
1. Friends Old and New
Fall is the time when everyone returns back to their home away from home after a long (although not long enough) summer, and what better way to celebrate coming back to Florida State than reuniting with friends, and even making some new ones!
2. Campus Comes Alive
As soon as students start returning to campus, the ghost town Tallahassee once during the summer soon disappears. Classes are in full swing, clubs are out on Landis Green and Olgesby trying to recruit new members, and let’s not forget about rush week, sports, and all the other insane events that happen once fall starts again. They’re is never a dull moment at FSU.
3. Weather
This very well may be my favorite part of fall at FSU. Tallahassee is one of the few places in the state of Florida that has pseudo-seasons, instead of being 90 degrees all year long. The leaves begin to change, the air gets cooler and crisper, and you can actually tolerate being outside for more than 15 minutes. Plus let us not forget about the best part, you won’t get all sweaty while walking to class or just across Landis Green. So take a stroll around campus, enjoy the cool weather, and the fall colors that make our campus even more beautiful than it is already.
4. Fall Fashion!
No. I lied. THIS is my favorite part of fall at FSU! Let’s be honest, we all have those cute boots, cardigans and scarves that we pretty much never get to wear because Florida didn’t get the memo that summer isn’t a year long thing. Thankfully though, fall at FSU gives their students the opportunity to bust out those super cute jeans and oversized sweaters you’ve been dying to wear all year long.
5. Fresh Starts
So maybe last semester wasn’t your best semester. I mean, truthfully, who wants to study when you know summer is right around the corner? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Fall is a good time to make sure that you’re focusing on your studies and keeping that GPA on point. So, go to class, sit in the front, and pay attention. Oh, and make sure you get the number of that cutie who sits three seats down from you. Everyone needs a study buddy, right?
6. Homecoming
This isn’t your high school’s homecoming. No, not even close. Homecoming at FSU is one of the highlights of fall semester, and I promise it blows your high school’s homecoming out of the water. Homecoming at FSU is a week long event, where we all get pumped up about being Seminoles! We have games and competitions all week long. Not to mention a homecoming parade and carnival that are ten times more amazing than anything you may have done in high school, but the best part of the week is Warchant, PowWow, and the Homecoming Game. Basically, homecoming week is an opportunity for you to bleed garnet and gold and feel some school spirit with literally every other student (and human being for that matter) at FSU.
(For more info click here.)
7. Parent’s Weekend
Whether you’re a freshmen headed to college for the first time, or a senior who feels like you’ve done this a thousand times, fall semester makes you miss everyone from your hometown, especially your parents. We all want to play it cool and make it seem like we haven’t missed them one bit, when in reality, we know we’ve cried the night they dropped us off. Parent’s weekend is the best because you get to show off your fantastic university to your parents while reassuring them that all the money they’re paying for tuition isn’t going to waste. Hey, if you get your parents feeling that Seminole spirit well enough, you might be able to convince them to paint their faces garnet and gold for that weekend’s game. That would be a snapchat worthy pic.
(For more info click here.)
8. Haunted Harvest
Here at FSU we love Halloween. I mean, who doesn’t right? Halloween is the one night of the year where you get to dress up as someone or something else. It’s probably one of the highlights of fall, and at FSU, we take it seriously. We have a whole night dedicated to Halloween with tons of cool events to help get you into that Halloween spirit, with everything from Trick-ORG-Treat, Wax Hands, and costume contests. Basically, Haunted Harvest will have you walking around singing “This is Halloween” from The Nightmare Before Christmas like the wicked ghoul you are.
(For more info click here.)
9. Circus
So yes, the circus performs shows in the spring as well, but as part of the Haunted Harvest, they put on a special show that will completely blow your mind. Ask any FSU student or alum, you’ll want to see the circus at least once during your time at FSU, and the fall Haunted Harvest performance is not the one to miss.
You didn’t think I forgot about this, did you? I come from a high school that did not have a football team, so going from no team to a team that’s won National Championships with multiple undefeated seasons, there is no way I could forgot about football. Not to mention that no one can stop talking about how unstoppable our team is. Whether you like football or not, you have to admit that the school spirit you feel on Game Day is infectious, and really makes you proud to be a Nole, win or lose (but mostly win, amiright?). Plus you can’t forget that football season also mean tailgate season. So prepare yourself for the pregame festivities.
(For more info click here.)
What do you love about fall at FSU? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: sportingnews.com
Michaela Wood is a fun-loving student at Florida State University. She is pursuing a degree in Music Therapy to become a Music Therapist in a children's hospital. Michaela is a self-proclaimed foodie, and in her free time can usually be found cooking, baking, or at the gym working out so she can eat all of the goodies she made. She loves to travel and is always up for a good adventure. Michaela hopes to use her time at Florida State to make a difference on her campus and to help her fellow college students' transition into adulthood a little easier (even though everyone knows that adulting is nearly impossible when Netflix is a thing. I mean, who hasn't binge-watched all of Grey's Anatomy in three weeks? Oh...Just me?)