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10 Reasons To Go To TCNJ

10 Reasons To Go To TCNJ

From the awesome events that CUB holds, to the classes, there's something here for everyone. Here are 10 reasons to go to TCNJ.

Lions and alumni alike will tell you that TCNJ is the best place to be. From the awesome events that CUB holds, to the classes, there’s something here for everyone. Here are 10 reasons to go to TCNJ.

1. The Programs

The business program has consistently been marked number one in the Bloomberg Buisnessweek, and ranked 59 of the top 100 in the country. The nursing program is highly recognized with CCNE approval, NLNAC accreditation, and NJ board of nursing (and several others). With these top-notch programs, you can’t help but want to revel and contribute to the success!

2. The Beautiful Campus

TCNJ is known for its beautiful classic brick building, its luscious green lawns, and overall campus feel. Can’t you see yourself sitting under the trees studying?


3. The Class Size

TCNJ prides itself on small class sizes throughout its majors and disciplines, with a 13 to 1 student/faculty ratio. The professors get to know you on a first name basis and can help you one on one.

4. The Surrounding Area

TCNJ is in central New Jersey, and is less than two hours from New York City and Delaware.

5. The School Size

With only 6,000 undergrads, you get to know your classmates and create strong bonds that’ll last a lifetime.


6. The Affordability

Being a state school, in-state tuition is around $15,000. That’s a steal, considering tuition these days requires you to sell your soul, your left arm, and your first born. TCNJ is worth every penny, and for the price, how can you not at least consider it?

7. The Food Options

With campus town openings, TCNJ has a Panera Bread, Pronto Pizza, RedBerry, and several other food places on campus! Not to mention your dining options of Eickhoff Hall, TW Dining, Armstrong’s Kineticart, Education Café, Library Café, and Traditions! Also, there’s a plethora of options for delivery that won’t break the buck, from Tan May’s to Mama Flora’s, all of your foodie dreams can come true.

See Also
While being an alum is prestigious in and of itself, these 15 famous alumni from Florida State University are making us extra proud to rock garnet and gold.


8. The Up And Coming Improvements

If you go on campus, you’ll see it’s not just the students working hard, but the construction workers too. The Student Center renovations, creation of the STEM building, and campus town extensions are all still happening, which means only more for students to look forward to in the fall.

9. The Reputation

TCNJ is known for its small classes, extremely diverse curriculum, and its advanced studies in all fields. TCNJ doesn’t just give you the tools; it gives you the connections too. From getting to know your professors well and establishing good in-school connections, to hearing, “oh! TCNJ! How wonderful!” remarks, it’s no wonder so many carry the name of TCNJ alum with pride.

10. The People

My life has only gotten better from my interactions with the students, staff and faculty at TCNJ.


I couldn’t just pick 10, because it’s not a fair representation of the spectacular place that is TCNJ. I couldn’t forget the several hundred clubs we have, the sports (like field hockey – we’re division one), the Jersey weather, the understanding and loving staff, the inclusiveness of the community, the brand new gym, the enormous amount of places to study, the Greek organizations, the on-campus job opportunities, and the friends you’re bound to meet. New Jersey residents and out-of-staters alike call this place home, and have made it home for me.

Have any other reasons to go to TCNJ? Comment below!
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