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10 Reasons Why You Already Can’t Wait To Go Back To SJU

Finals came to an end, and we practically couldn’t wait to pack our bags and head back home. We get it, you won’t miss staying up till 1 AM writing papers or pulling an all nighter before an exam. But that’s not what college is all about. Being back at home is great at first. You get to stay up late, and sleep in the next day. But there’s only so much sleeping in you can do that eventually you’ll want to be back on campus. Check out our 10 reasons why you can’t wait to go back to SJU!

1. You are back to independent freedom.

If you’re living back at home for summer break, you’re probably back to having to let your parents know your every move. At college you can practically do what you want whenever you want without having to tell them first.

2. You can finally see your friends from campus again.

Having friends on campus is one of the best things. You live within walking distance of each other, so plans have never been easier to make. Once you’re back at home what once was a walk down the hall may turn into a flight to another state.


3. Weekend activities are fun and close by.

Being away at school, you can always guarantee a fun weekend. You’ll miss the random invites to parties and bar hopping. There’s always a story to tell the following Sunday.

4. The beautiful campus.

Living back at home, you’re probably reminded why you left home in the first place. You needed a change in scenery and you chose SJU for a reason.

5. Never feeling bored.

Student organizations work hard to plan all the events around campus. Late move nights, carnivals, and multicultural events are just some of the few things that happen year around. There’s always something to look forward to.

6. Late night runs to the Diner.

Running to get food last minute in your PJ’s is honestly the best thing.

7. Big games.

Nothing beats basketball games at MSG. You’ll miss getting together with your friends and SJU every week.

8. Getting involved.

Being active on campus is what really makes your college experience. You’ll miss all the fun opportunities to get involved on and off campus.

See Also


9. Not bumping into high school classmates.

It’s pretty inevitable when you live in the same town, so after this occurring on a daily basis during summer you’re more than ready to head back to SJU.

10. Not having to work all day.

When you’re away, your parents encourage you to focus on your studies and get involved. But when your back home for break your expected to save up as much money as you can. Hello 9-5 shifts, and no social life.

What do you miss the most? Comment below and be sure to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

What are some other reasons why you already can’t wait to get back to SJU? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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Kathya Arce

From Long Island, a Communication major at St. John’s University. She aspires to work in the beauty industry. On her free time she’s binge watching beauty videos on YouTube or creating her own.

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