10 Questions About SJU Housing: Answered

As an incoming freshman, this is most likely the first time you’re going to be living away from home. You’re bound to be unsure and even a little nervous about this big change, but we’re here to help calm those nerves. Keep reading for some questions you might have about SJU housing – everything has been answered for you!
1. How do I get into the dorms?
Our dorms are 100% secure, meaning that whenever you want to get into your building, you must present your StormCard. If you’re trying to access the dorms during the daytime, a student worker will be there to swipe you in. At night, a Public Safety officer will be at the desk, rather than a student.
2. What are the visitation rules?
St. John’s students are allowed in your building from 7 AM until 3 AM. Non-St John’s visitors are allowed in the building between 7 AM and 12 AM. All visitors must have photo identification. In order to be overnighted, the visitor must be registered on UIS before 9 PM on the night of their visit, where they are then to get a St. John’s Visitor ID printed in Public Safety before 11 PM.
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3. Am I required to have a meal plan?
All dorming freshmen are required to have the Carte Blanche Meal Plan, otherwise known as the unlimited meal plan. All upperclassmen and transfers living in on-campus housing are required to have some sort of meal plan, whether it be the 10 or 14 a week. Founders Village is the only on-campus residence hall that does not require a meal plan.
4. What if something goes wrong in my room?
If something goes wrong in your room, such as a broken plug or a blown out fuse, St. John’s Residence Life has a great team of Facilities workers to come fix any problems you have with your room. For example, when my heater was broken, the workers came and not only fixed it, but also showed me how to fix it in the future. All you have to do is submit a request through UIS and they’ll be there in a heartbeat!
5. Can I stay in the dorms during breaks?
Yes, you can! All dorms are open for the whole semester, and you can stay through Thanksgiving, Spring and Easter breaks. Once you move in for the semester, the room is yours! You can also stay over Winter Break, but there is additional paperwork and sometimes payment that goes along with it.
6. How do I get mail and packages?
Getting mail and packages here at St. John’s is easy! Anything small and sent in an envelope gets delivered to the individual suite mailboxes in the lobbies of your dorms. Packages get delivered to the ROTC building on the second floor. All you have to do is present your StormCard and your package will be given to you in seconds!
7. What are the rules on alcohol?
St. John’s University is a dry campus, meaning that regardless if you are 21 or not, no alcohol is permitted on campus or in any residence halls. While this is a rule, some people do not follow it, but be careful, you are risking your housing eligibility if you get caught doing so.
8. Can we have any pets?
Unfortunately, St. John’s has a strict no animal policy. This is a bummer, because I would love to at least have a little pet fish!
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9. How much does laundry cost? And how do we pay for it?
Lucky for us, laundry is free! We are able to use the machines at our time and leisure, without having to budget when we could clean our clothes. The machines are located in the basement of the dorms and there are plenty available for each building!
10. How do the housing deposits work? When do we get our money back?
The best day of the year is when we get our housing deposits back! After checkout, the RAs and RD of your building will inspect your room and common area. Once they subtract the cost of the repairs they need to make (if any), a check will be on its way to you and you will have some money back in your pocket!
Have more SJU housing questions? Comment below and be sure to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram!
Featured image source: colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com, neogaf.com
20 year old Childhood/Special Education major at St. John's University in Queens, New York. Likes: hanging out, Uber, holding her dog captive in my arms, having ADHD, New York, Justin Bieber!!!!!, pizza, long walks on the beach. Dislikes: pants, tunafish, cats, long lines, the subway.