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10 People You See On Clemson University’s Campus

10 People You See On Clemson University’s Campus

Welcome to Clemson, home of the Tigers and a whole lot of orange. Just like any other college in the nation, its student body is made up of all kinds of different people but stick around long enough on Clemson University’s campus and you’re guaranteed to see these 10!

1. Guys wearing Chacos/Birkenstocks/Flip Flops/other unacceptable footwear.

Dear boys, your toes are hairy and gross, your toenails are usually too long, and your feet are most likely whiter than a baby’s bottom. Sandals of any variety are only acceptable on boys at the beach, and Clemson is at least 4 hours away from the coast—so please do us all a favor and put those toes away. I know this is a double standard but it’s my opinion and it happens to be one that a lot of girls share.

2. Girls in their sorority’s letters.

If you’re a Clemson student you’ve probably heard of Letter Shirt Tuesday, or “LST” for short. On this day, girls in every sorority put on their favorite letter shirt and pose for pictures around campus. However, sorority girls cannot be limited to just one day out of the week, they can be seen wearing letters anytime, any place. I’m not being dramatic, I have a blanket with letters on it—I can literally sleep in my letters.


3. Kids that are recovering from the night before.

No judgment, we’ve all been there before, and honestly, I’m proud of them for even being out in the world right now. With their sunglasses on and Powerade bottle in hand, they’re out getting stuff done. I usually deal with my hangovers in a different way—curling up in bed and thinking I’m dying. So good for you, people who can function through your hangovers, good for you.

4. Brooooos.

Let me ask you a question: are you even in a fraternity if you don’t own a Patagonia hat? This is the uniform of men seen around campus: jeans/khakis and a brand name or function t-shirt with Sperry’s, Nikes, or Bean Boots. Although every fraternity claims to be different, we cant help that we’re a community of conformists that all dress the same.

5. Girls that look like they just worked out but didn’t.

This is basically the girl equivalent to #4. Nikes, yoga pants, and a t-shirt are the go-to for hundreds of girls on campus. Are those expensive running shoes used for working out? Maybe occasionally, but for the most part they’re just used for walking to class. To be fair, rushing up all these hills and stairs to class can sometimes count as cardio.


6. Athletes—the kids that actually just worked out.

They’re pretty easy to spot on campus with the black Clemson book-bag, orange running shoes, and most likely, great legs. One of my favorite things to do while walking to class is play, “Guess the Sport”. Are you a runner, a soccer player? I’ll never know for sure but its fun to guess. Some football players used to be seen riding hover boards around campus, but I’m pretty sure Clemson didn’t want their prized athletes to catch on fire, so I guess they put a stop to that.

7. The kid who pulled an all-nighter in Cooper.

These guys have the same sleep-deprived, disheveled look as the ones with a hangover, but instead of Powerade, they have coffee. Grades are important to these people; they’re willing to completely sacrifice sleep for it. I think I speak for every college student when I say that’s a big deal. You go, person pulling an all-nighter, keep that scholarship.

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8. Country boys.

We’re in the south and we’re originally an agricultural school, so yeah there’s going to be some camo on campus. With work boots, Carhart jackets, and pick-up trucks, these guys are usually stereotyped as AgMech majors.  We can kid all we want, but we all know there’s a special place in our hearts for these guys.

9. Shackers.

Is it still a “walk of shame” if you aren’t ashamed? These girls (and sometimes guys) can typically be seen on your walk to class if you have an 8 or 9 a.m. With last nights makeup and a weird combination of party clothes and whatever they found on the floor this morning, they’re pretty easy to spot. They’ll usually be avoiding eye contact or possibly pulling a hat down to cover their face. As the wise Selena Gomez once said, “we’ve been there, we’ve done that, we see right through your funky hat”.

10. Good, old fashioned nerds.

You know what isn’t really an insult in college? Being called a nerd. You get good grades? Good for you. You have good study skills? Teach me your ways. You can prioritize school over other activities? That’s a super impressive talent. Whether you see them in dining halls, lectures, or the library, these kids have their priorities straight and we should all try to be a little bit more like them.


So yeah, take a look around and tell me if you like what you see—us Tigers sure do.

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