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10 Party Theme Ideas to Start This Year Off Right

10 Party Theme Ideas to Start This Year Off Right

So we’ve all been to the ABC themed party before and Pajama parties are getting just a bit tiring (see what I did there). But you don’t have to throw the same parties over and over again. We’ve got 10 fun and wildly creative party theme ideas to help you start this year off with a bang!

1. Beach Party

Take advantage of the final summer weeks to throw an awesome beach party at school, indoor or outdoor! Dust off your floaties, grab some flippers and goggles, and throw on that new bathing suit you hardly broke in this summer. Kowabunga!


2. Stoplight Party

This is a great way to start the year off. At a stoplight party, party-goers wear a shirt color that reveals their current relationship status: a green shirt for “single,” yellow for “it’s complicated” and red for “taken.” You can easily scope out the lovebirds and those looking for love.

3. High School Cliques

So you spent the last three months with your high school besties and you’ve got those sentimental memories on the brain, including the cliques. Dress up as the jock, geek, cheerleader, or rebel! It’s “The Breakfast Club” all over again.


4. Olympics

With so many big sporting events this year, why not throw an Olympics or Sports themed party? Apparel is easy to come by and there are endless possibilities for games. This would be a great party for outside during the day!

5. Cops & Robbers

We’ve all played this childhood game, but how about in college? Attire for this theme is also easy and is a fun way to spend a hot weekend night. Make your get-out-of-jail card a game of Heads Up, Flip Cup, or a crazy riddle.

6. Rubik’s Cube Party

Another color coordinated idea. Have party-goers dress in all one color with as many articles as possible – shirts, sweatshirts, hats, gloves, accessories, anything! – trade accessories as the party goes on and try to land the most ridiculous look aka an unsolved Rubik’s cube.


7. Murder Mystery

Now this theme takes some extra planning but can be a real lot of fun! Coordinators must be clever and cunning and lead their attendees through an unsolved murder to find the culprit. Outfits can go above and beyond as well as the set, music, and even the drinks!

8. Thrift Store Party

This idea’s for the frugal bunch. Ask your friends to head to the nearest thrift store and go to town. For only a few bucks, students can come up with a pretty frivolous wardrobe to make for an even crazier party.

9. Mathletes & Athletes

Finally a party to reveal that inner nerd or your pro athlete fantasy. Set up games to test the mind and body and see which group ultimately prevails.


10. I’m Glad I’m Not

This idea is by far the most creative I’ve heard, but the idea is simple. Just dress up as something you’re glad you’re not. A politician, a lunch lady, a rival team player, an elementary school gym teacher, your best friend even! Everything you’ve never wanted to be, here’s your chance.


See Also
If you are sick and tired of the decor in your room, check out the the simple and super cute ways to give your dorm walls an upgrade!





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*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own


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