10 New Craft Ideas To Help You Pass Your Sunday Afternoon

Sunday mornings are for lazing around, eating brunch, and inspiring early Maroon 5 songs. But what do you do with the rest of your Sunday once brunch has been eaten and it’s time to get out of your pajamas? Sometimes it can be a struggle to find an interesting, fun way to spend the rest of your Sunday because you want to get the most out of every last second of your weekend. Here are some of our favorite easy, cute craft ideas for helping to pass a lazy Sunday.
1. Embroider Your Jeans
I know you’ve seen those Pinterest pictures of embroidered jean pockets and cute denim designs and thought “I could do that, I should try that next time.” Well, I’m here to tell you that next time called, and it’s time to add embroidering your jeans to your craft ideas for the day. Whether you choose to go by a design you found online or just free-hand some cute flowers, mushrooms, or colorful designs, taking the time to embroider your old jeans will make you feel cute and productive.
2. Glass Painting
TikTok turned me to glass painting, and now it’s one of my favorite ways to spend my free time. If it wasn’t already, it’s time to add glass painting to your list of craft ideas. It’s super cheap and simple. All you need is a dollar tree frame, a paint sharpie, paint colors and brushes, and a picture of your choice. There are plenty of videos online showing how to do a glass painting, but essentially you’re going to print an inverted version of your chosen picture and tape it to one side of the glass, then trace and paint it on the other. It’s a lot of layering and waiting for certain elements to dry, but the finished project is always worth the time.
3. Record Art
Another one of my favorite craft ideas and personal hobbies is record art. I have a whole wall of my room dedicated to my record paintings, and the process is easy and turns out amazing. You’ll need an old record, paint, and a creative and inspired spirit. Whether you go into your piece with a clear idea or decide to just wing it, you’re sure to come out with an amazing piece that everyone will fall in love with. If you want to go that extra mile, try painting your record sleeve, too. It’s an extra canvas for whatever your brain can think up.
4. Design Your Own Tote
Sometimes you want your craft ideas to be something you can use daily and not just a decorative piece – cue the tote bag option. Whether you decide to go with fabric markers, paint, or embroidery, a canvas tote bag is a fantastic artistic opportunity because it’s super inexpensive and a huge canvas to work with. I personally love canvas bags for their usefulness, and being able to design and decorate my own is a great way to show everyone I meet exactly what I’m about.
5. Shrinky Dink Earrings
This is definitely a throwback to your childhood, but do you remember how much fun shrinky dinks were? You’d get that special shrinky dink paper from the craft store or Walmart, take it home to color in all the most fantastical designs your kid brain could think of, then you’d watch them shrink up like magic in the oven. It was an amazing experience that’s honestly just as much fun as an adult, and should definitely be one of the craft ideas you consider for your next free Sunday. Just grab a hole punch (to be used pre-shrink) and some earring clips from your local craft store and make the cutest most creative jewelry you can think of.
6. DIY Soap
I never realized how easy it was to make soap, but it is actually incredibly easy and should be added to your list of craft ideas. There are so many ways to make soap and so many smells and designs to go with, it’s really up to you which ones you want to try out on your next free Sunday. Personally, I like a relaxing lavender scent (courtesy of my essential oils collections) with a sparkly soap color and design. Make bath time fun with your own delicious-smelling, homemade soap!
7. CD Art
CD Art is a lot like record rt, but should not be discounted for this similarity when you’re looking for new craft ideas. Here’s the thing – records are big and bulky, making them a great canvas and a fun design to work with. CDs are smaller and usually silver, although the silver can be cleaned or stripped off to show the interesting clear disc beneath. Whether you decide to design your CD art on top of the silver or with the clean, clear disc, you’re sure to create a fun art piece that you can use to decorate your favorite spaces.
8. Paint Your Denim Jacket
So we’ve painted records, CDs, and tote bags–what’s next? Painting our car? Our backs? Our house? Nope–time to get out your old denim jacket. It can be hard finding a canvas for our new craft ideas and paint designs, but the perfect canvas is waiting, forgotten, in the back of your closet! Don’t have a denim jacket? That’s totally fine–there’s definitely a totally viable denim jacket or equally amazing clothing piece that needs some paint, love, and attention waiting for you at your local thrift shop.
9. Wine Cork Board
We all love wine–it helps us unwind after a hard day of work, it’s great for a night in with the girls, and there are too many options to choose from to not have one you enjoy. Plus, drinking wine just makes us feel classy and cool. But what can we do with a wine bottle that’s artsy. Lots of things, but for now let’s concentrate on those wine corks you’ve been collecting in a bowl in your kitchen. Time to put them to use but using them to create an amazing, unique corkboard. It’s perfect for notes to yourself or just to add a little class to your kitchen decorations.
10. Marbled Mugs
If you’re anything like me, you love cups and mugs and every utensil in between. So for those cup and mug lovers looking for new craft ideas, have you tried marbling your mug? Go to your local dollar store and pick out some cheap $1 mugs to use. Then fill half a disposable container with hot water and a few drops of your favorite nail polish (avoid quick-dry types). Swirl the color around with a toothpick before dipping the bottom portion of your mug into the colorful water mixture. Set on a paper towel upside down to dry and watch the marbling effect turn your dollar store mug from boring to beautiful.