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10 More Ways You Can Use Essential Oils Everyday

Your first impression with essential oils is that they are only for smelling and that’s about it. Sure, it’s really nice to smell lavender or peppermint, but there are numerous ways that you can use essential oils every day in your life. If you prefer a more natural approach to your living choices, then we know that you will love these other essential oil uses in your daily routine. Here are 10 more ways you can use essential oils every day!

1. Sickness Remedies

Feeling under the weather? Try out these essential oils to help your sniffles and coughs go away. Like any other oils, you can wear them or diffuse them to get the full effects and benefits of these oils. Oils like Lavender, Peppermint, and Tea Tree oils can help clear up any allergies that come about.

There is little research on the actual science of how, or even if these oils work to cure any illness that you might have. As always, you should always use your own discretion and judgment with claims like essential oils. Other essential oil uses can be making a Vicks knock-off with some oils!

2. Skincare

There is nothing worse than a pesky pimple that pops up, especially right before something important like a wedding, a date, or even family pictures. The problem can also escalate if you start to pick at it and attempt to pop it before it’s ready to.

If you are needing the swelling to go down on a pimple or the skin around it, one of the essential oil uses is to use Lavender oil, which will help to soothe the redness. Before applying any essential oils to your skin, always test on a small part of your skin to make sure your skin will not react to it. If you are trying to get a pimple to go away, Tea Tree oil will help to kill any bacteria that is causing the irritation.

3. Haircare

Hairloss and dry ends are just a few issues that people can face with hair issues, but essential oils can help solve these issues to help you achieve your hair goals! You can work some DIY magic to create a little hair cocktail for whatever issues you are wanting help with.

To name a few, if you are having issues with dandruff or a dry scalp you can use tea tree oil to treat the area and clear up anything that should not be there. Another way is to add rosemary oil with an overnight treatment for hair growth if you are experiencing hair loss. Other essential oil uses can be just putting these oils in a premade mask that you already love using.

4. Candle Alternative

If you are a little unsure about burning candles in your living space, essential oils can be the answer to making your home smell warm and inviting. Especially if you have pets and other furry creatures living with you, candles can release toxins to your space that can be unsafe for you and your pets.

There are several blends that can be beneficial for your mood, health, or just whatever scent you want. You won’t want to forget about leaving that candle burning, but with your essential oil diffuser, you can leave it on even while you sleep to enjoy the yummy smells from oils!

5. Perfume

The last thing you do in your routine of getting ready is to spray yourself with your favorite perfume or body spray so that you get those compliments of “OMG you smell good!” and to just maintain freshness. If you are wanting a more natural approach to what you are using to smell so good, these oils will work to keep you smelling good. 

Similar to the blends you will use in your diffuser as a candle alternative, you can reciprocate them for your daily perfume spritz. To mix up your blends, you need a small drop or two of carrier oil. This can be coconut oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil. You then will add whatever oils you will be wearing for the day and then apply to the points you would spray your perfume!

6. Household Cleaning

One of the bigger brands of essential oils has come out with a cleaning solution that you will mix and dilute with water and essential oils. Like other natural things, this essential oil use has little to no research on how thoroughly these solutions will clean. 

But, you will get to enjoy a cleaning option that is clean and natural and not a bunch of chemicals like other brands. Our favorite way to use this solution is just on countertops as an all-purpose cleaner. You can then add essential oils that you find to smell good and clean!

7. Dietary Supplements

As mentioned before these essential oil brands sell more than just essential oils to their customers, such as other products that will help enhance your experience with essential oil uses. For example, there are vegetable oil capsules sold that you can fill with essential oils as a dietary supplement or a type of vitamin that you can take. 

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Some essential oils that you can take in the capsules for help with immunity against sickness would-be thieves, organ, and frankincense. For help with digestion and stomach problems, you can take lemon, thieves, and oregano oil in a capsule for some relief. 

8. Creams, Balms, and Salves

Dry skin, achy muscles, and other skin concerns, it can be pretty hit or miss with finding a product that will work to cure your skin issue. Some people have found that mixing essential oils with lotions or other creams can have the benefit to help cure the issue.

For example, for dry skin, you can mix up a salve with coconut oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, vitamin e oil, and lavender oil and apply it to the affected area. You will be feeling relief and smoother, hydrated skin in no time! You first need to first test the oils on your skin before these essential oil uses.

9. Water Additives

If you are wanting to increase your hydration and water intake throughout the day, but hate drinking water, this might be able to help you out. It is up to you and your own discretion whether you want to ingest essential oils, but some people swear by it!

You can add lemon and grapefruit oils to add a citrus taste to your drink and a summery vibe to up your hydration. If you are feeling under the weather, some warm water or tea with lavender will help to soothe any discomfort you might have with your sickness. 

10. Bath Salts and Scrubs

If you want to smell good while you are relaxing and soaking in a bath, another way essential oil use is to add the oils into just plain or unscented bath salts or a scrub. The smell will curate a relaxing environment for you to unwind in while enjoying the other benefits of essential oils.

Essential oil uses can be hit or miss, but you have to find what works for you! Use at your own discretion, these are just friendly suggestions for fun!

Which essential oils are your favorite? Do you use essential oils in other ways in your everyday life? What other essential oil uses have you found to love? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

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Gabrielle Perales

English and Media Strategies student at Texas Tech University, lover of coffee, running, and houseplants.

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