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10 Meditation Prompts To Guide Your Mental Wellness

10 Meditation Prompts To Guide Your Mental Wellness

Meditation is an important and necessary part of any self-care routine. It equips you with the fundamental tools to conquer life problems. Meditation works to ground you. As you focus on mindfulness, you can foster positive improvements in other aspects of your life, such as relationships, work, school, or other parts of your personal life. 

1. Appreciation

When caught up in the world’s usual overwhelming busyness, our appreciation of things can fall by the wayside. We often focus on the things we don’t have rather than the things we do have. More often than not, the tools we need to get the things we wish for lie within ourselves, but we don’t appreciate them. Practicing appreciation meditation, also called gratitude meditation, helps connect the body and mind and ground us in our blessings. Simply noticing the things you have can make the things you don’t yet have look less daunting to achieve. 


2. Balance

Balance meditation focuses on stabilizing all our conflicting thoughts and emotions in our lives for a healthy balance. Reactive tendencies must be offset with calmness. The only thing certain in life is its uncertainty. Learning to flow with the constant changes and the constant flow of emotions that meet those changes while still maintaining physical and emotional balance is a central theme to this meditation. 

3. Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the many symptoms of life. Unfortunately, many life situations can cause stress that will manifest itself in the form of detrimental anxiety.  Although anxiety can be treated medically, meditation can also help manage one’s anxiety resulting from life stress. At its core, anxiety results from an inability to regulate your emotions in the face of these life stresses. Whether it be work stress, financiers, relationships, or other personal obstacles, changing your perspective on anxiety can help you tackle and repurpose it in new and inventive ways. In your meditation, hone your concentration and detach from your anxious thoughts. Let the emotions flow through you without attaching to them. Focus on the things you can change and how you can achieve that change rather than the things you can’t change. 


4. Releasing Stress

Along with anxiety, stress is another negative emotion that can plague our lives and throw off our inner balance. As we get caught up in our own thoughts, emotions, and life problems, the stress of it all can overwhelm us. Through meditation aimed at releasing stress, you can ground yourself. To calm stress, you should concentrate on remaining in the present moment, focus on your breathing, and bring attention to your body. To stay in the present moment, release thoughts of the past of the future, as those times are arbitrary and only work to derail your thoughts. By focusing on physical attributes of your body, such as your breathing or other physical sensations, you push your stressful thoughts behind you. These three tactics are essentially the foundation of all mediation. 


5. Grief

Grief, although unavoidable, is a challenging emotion to encounter in life. Grieving is allowed, and although moving through grief can be painful, it is essential. Meditation that specifically targets grief works to give the brain a break from the pain of the loss. Your concentration on physical attributes can shift your focus and concentration to something more positive. Then, when you’re in a healthy enough headspace, you can tackle the grief with a strong and steady presence. 

6. Adapting to Change

Change is unavoidable in life. Periods of transition do not have to be periods of added stress and anxiety. Fighting change or obsessing over every aspect of change does little but disturb our inner peace and make navigating that change that much more difficult. Meditation focused on change will help you rest in the flow of the change and will allow you to remain balanced and at peace even in times of uncertainty. 


7. Reframing Loneliness

In a world that places a great amount of value on romantic relationships, loneliness is an inevitable side effect. Meditation focused on loneliness refocuses our feelings and transforms our relationship with ourselves and the world around us. Enduring things on our own exacerbates the feelings of isolation, but rather than surrendering ourselves to the loneliness and the self-depressing head chatter, you can open yourself up to the desires and connections you seek. 

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8. Prioritization

It can be difficult to manage all of the responsibilities that life demands of us at any given moment. Deciding how much of your energy to dedicate to a given thing can be burdensome. Oftentimes, we find that we don’t have enough energy for everything that demands it in our life. Meditation can help you gain a clear head and focus on where to dedicate your time and attention. A few minutes of unbridled peace in which you allow your thoughts to flow freely without attachment can help you gain some clarity on what really matters to you in life. 


9. Self-esteem

Everyone has had problems with self-esteem and confidence at some point. However, building up this confidence is essential in life, as confidence in yourself allows you to pursue what you deserve in life. Meditation can change the way we interact with ourselves and our thoughts. Purposeful meditation can ward off negative, self-deprecating thoughts and replace them with positive reassurance. This, in turn, changes how we value ourselves. 

10. Acceptance

Acceptance meditation focuses not on agreeing with how something ended but on letting go of resistance and consciously letting things be as they are. Resisting acceptance only works to disrupt your inner peace. By following an acceptance meditation prompt, you learn to release your need to resist and accept your feelings, thoughts, and difficult situations. Acceptance is mindful compassion towards yourself. Once you accept what has been, you can build towards what can be. 


Meditation is a useful and effective life tool in our pursuit of mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Do you have any meditation prompts to add to this list? Let us know in the comments!

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