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10 Hacks For TCNJ Students

Every college has its own set of little-known ways to make life easier there. Here are 10 hacks for TCNJ students.

1. Get Eickhoff before meal equivalency and then use ‘quiv points to stock up on food.

If you go to Eick anytime before 11 a.m. exactly, you’re still eligible for meal equiv, and since you just ate you can get cliff bars or other packaged food! As an alternative, you can get meal equiv right after to 1:30 p.m. and have a second lunch. This is one of the most delicious hacks for TCNJ students.

2. Go to the gym during the day.

Right after class, you may feel tired, but the best afternoon pick-me-up is exercise! The endorphins act like caffeine receptors in your brain, making you both happy and more awake. Work off the anger you got from that three hour lecture, or procrastinate a paper by going to the gym first. Also, the gym is way less crowded during the day due to the larger quantity of day classes. As an alternative, you can run the loop during the daytime. It’s 1.75 miles and you get a scenic view of the lake.

3. Try Rideshare or carpool.

TCNJ Rideshare is a new app just like Uber, but uses TCNJ students that have cars on campus. The students who drive will get VIP parking and the students that use the app will save money and the environment.

4. Use Yik Yak and Stivr.

Yik Yak is used for more than talking about Spongebob Squarepants and cute dog pictures; it’s often used to post about lost ID’s, car lights left on, or campus events. Stivr is more of an “ask and receive” app; you can either spread the good karma by helping others or get help for things like getting coffee or calculus problems.


5. Hope on a bike or skateboard.

Everywhere on campus is roughly a 10 minute walk, so many students opt for bikes, skateboards, penny boards, or longboards. They can save you precious time if you’re skilled.

6. Utilize public spaces.

You know the basics. The dorm lounges are a great place for group studies. The library is good for quiet reads. The academic building lounges are used for everything in between the two. But what most people don’t know is that a lot of classrooms and computer labs are open at night too. It can be hit or miss, but going over the material in the place you learned it helps with memory recall. You can also try studying in a friend’s room as a group hang. You can all motivate each other to study and hang together after.

7. Check bathroom schedules.

Most students shower after classes or their late-night gym session. Check what time your bathroom attendant cleans and plan to shower right after that, You’ll avoid the nightly rush, and it’ll be super clean. You can also shower before your morning class as a pick-me-up.

See Also

8. Use reusable cups.

Use your reusable coffee tumbler given to you by TCNJ food services. You’ll get 10% off every Library Cafe purchase you make with the mug, from frappes to black coffee. Who doesn’t love getting a deal while reducing waste? You can also bring your own water bottles to Eick and refill them with the flavored waters for free.

9. Plan your lunchtime.

During the week, the best times to get a meal equiv are 11:40 a.m. and 1 p.m. Odds are, everyone has already filtered out after the post-class rush.

10. Keep updated with Tcnj.Snap on Snapchat.

This phenomenon started in October of last year and has reached over 10,000 snap-viewers, which is more than the amount of undergraduates at TCNJ! Keep updated on what’s happening on campus, from missing keys and car lights left on, to free food, awesome giveaways, and campus events. Go ahead and take full advantage of these hacks for TCNJ students!

Know any more hacks for TCNJ students? Comment below!

Featured image source:
Justine Wilson

Justine Wilson is a Biology student at TCNJ from Washington Township, NJ. Yogi, dancer, writer, proud dog owner and professional sass master.

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