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10 Hacks To Make Life Easier At Cal State Fullerton

10 Hacks To Make Life Easier At Cal State Fullerton

10 Hacks To Make Life Easier At Cal State Fullerton

College is an extremely exciting time. While CSUF is a great school and a lot of fun, it can also be very stressful at times. Here is a list of 10 hacks that you can use to make your life easier at CSUF!

1. Get enough beauty sleep!

Not sleeping enough is a rookie mistake that a lot of freshmen coming to CSUF make. Sleep is essential in order to process classroom materials, especially if you have to walk through Langsdorf hall at 7:00 am in the morning for your ISDS 361B class. If processing what you learned is already a morning activity, you probably need at least 5 hours of sleep to not mess up your biological clock for your first exam day, as well as the rest of the semester.



2. Check your Titan Online every morning for more amazing info.

Many of my friends told me they regretted not checking their Titan Online portal every morning. If you are only checking it from time to time, you might miss a lot of information that you could find helpful. Titan Online is updated often due to so many activities that the CSUF student body comes up with.

Interested in joining a club? Want to find a campus job? Did your professor cancel class today? The answers can be found just by logging in your Titan account. Who knows? You might even get an update for a student discount at the nearest movie theater.



3. Learn how you study best!

This is a hack that students just seem to forget about every time a new semester begin. Personally, I found that studying in a silent is the best way for me to concentrate. It is different for many people. Some find it useful to listen to music or white noise to study.

If you are a new CSUF student, you might find out the funny way that the Polak library can potentially be the best or the worst place to focus on your next Finance 320 exam. As I am writing this article, I would recommend the third floor instead of the fourth floor. Once you arrive at your place to study, turn off your phone when studying, it will help you focus on your materials.



4. Be a friendly, approachable person!

This is a hack that you’d probably think would apply all the time, but it’s especially true at CSUF. Your professors, staff faculties, counselors, and classmates have a high chance of being your future prospective clients or employers.


A close friend of mine once told me that a professor he once had a chance to study under later became his co-worker. Wonderful, right? In most cases, if you were an outstanding student, it is a great thing, but if you forget about courtesy, your future co-worker might think you won’t be able to keep up in a professional environment.


5. Nutrition will make or break you!

Maybe skipping on food seems convenient, you get more time to study, work on that business project, meeting up with club members, but things don’t come easy like without good nutrition. Check out the food court inside the Titan Student Union, there are some really great options such as the Baja Fresh, Panda Express, and Roundtable Pizza. Don’t skimp on food because you rather save up for a new trendy jacket! It’s really important to maintain your health, mentally, emotionally and physically.


Come to the Student Health and Counseling to learn how to balance your nutrition. Experiment with eating more vegetables, and fresh fruits as much as you can.



6. Think rationally!

Always be cautious and aware, think about your decisions before you decide to do anything!

Ex 1: Is it a good idea for me to meet up with a club that I’ve always wanted to try later tonight?

Chances are such an opportunity would turn out to be an amazing experience.


Ex 2: Shouldn’t it be fine to do some weight-lifting today? I have some pain in my back but it’s probably nothing!

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CSUN students have so many places to hangout, however, these are the best of the best on California State Universities campus.

This is a bad decision. You will probably end up with a sore back or worse and go to the doctor!



7. Help someone out if you can!

Being friendly will help you out in life immensely, you might even make a new friend for life. And if you’re helping out a friend, make sure to ask for help from them if you need it. Help is always available on campus, you should never feel helpless as a Titan. At CSUF, we are all family. The services are CSUF are wonderful, the Student Health and Wellness Center will always be available if you need anything!



8. Make the most of your holiday breaks!

You know that amazing company that you’ve always wanted to work for? They might be offering an internship in the summer. If you are going to work on a useful activity, work on your resume a bit, get internships at companies which are relevant to your major.


9. Spend time with your friends and family!

If you are an incoming freshman at CSUF, college can be a bit of a tense environment sometimes. However, don’t forget to spend some time with your new friends at CSUF, you will truly be able to appreciate it when you’re having difficulty. Your friends will be there to help you out, when you need help, they will take care of you.



10. Always do your absolute best!

When it comes to school, you should always do your best. When you do, you will never feel bad about your grades. Through my academic journey at CSUF, I have learned that many students do their best and professors do notice the hardworking, passionate ones. Because they work so hard, they receive the grades that they earned.


Do you have any other hacks to make life at CSUF easier? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
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