When you purchase a designer bag, you will most likely have it for a lifetime, as your paying for the quality, looks, and designer status. If you’re a designer brand fanatic and looking for your next purchase, check out these 10 Cute Designer Bags That Aren’t Basic!
Everyone has seen the traditional Louis Vuitton Neverfull as their go to tote bag, or a crossbody like the Gucci Marmont, but after a while those designs that may at first seem timeless can tend to look a little basic when it seems like nearly everyone owns one. Buying a luxury bag is a big investment, so you should be sure to choose a design that you truly love. Designer brands make numerous bags that include the logo if you want to show off your new purchase. When shopping online or in store, instead of gravitating towards the brand’s most popular bags, check out some of their other designs because chances are, you may find one you like more!
Louis Vuitton is most well known for their iconic LV monogram logo or the Damier canvas in colors white and gray or different shades of brown. If you love LV and want something a little more unique, check out the LV Bella Bag! This is a bucket style bag, that is a generally smaller size and crossbody. It also has an adorable detachable mini coin purse perfect for storing cash or your AirPods. This modern design is great for carrying all your essential items and looking stylish at all times.
Fendi makes some of my all time favorite bags, so when I saw this baby pink baguette I got so excited. This bag is made of canvas with the classic FF logo embroidered on. The bag can be worn over the shoulder as a crossbody, or held by the smaller strap. If you want something that will go with more clothes in your wardrobe, they also make this purse in white. The cut out embroidered detailing makes for the perfect bag to wear during the transition from springtime to summer!
This signature Coach bag is a little less expensive compared to other designer bags that aren’t basic. The leather bag comes in a large assortment of colors, but this ivory shade makes a great addition to really any outfit. The bag is a larger baguette style and comes with an extra interchangeable strap. The whole “pillow bag” concept has been trending for a while now, but I think Coach’s rendition of it is super elegant, classy, and timeless compared to other pillow bags on the market.
Cue the TikTok “No, I don’t think you understand, I’m obsessed,” because when I saw this Chanel bag I was instantly in love. Chanel makes tons of iconic bags, but a lot of them have become a little overdone because it seems like everyone has them. This mini bag is anything but basic, featuring a baby pink and black tweed design. The flap bag has the famous double C logo with gold hardware, making it the ultimate girly purse. The bag is on the smaller side, but will still fit all your purse essentials.
When I discovered the brand Telfar, I was immediately impressed with the bag quality and large range of colors. Telfar makes their iconic “shopping bag” which is a tote style purse that comes in sizes small, medium, and large. The bag features a double strap, embossed logo, a main compartment with magnetic snap closure and internal zipper pocket. This bag is great for everyday use, with both the medium and large sizes able to fit a laptop. This is one of the less expensive choices on the list of designer bags that aren’t basic, so go order yours now!
This adorable Burberry Baguette makes the perfect mini bag for any night out. Whether it’s a date night, night out with friends, or just grabbing dinner, this bag will add to any fit. If you love the classic Burberry checkered print and logo, this bag in the baguette style is a little less basic than the traditional Burberry totes.
Everyone needs a go to tote bag bag in their life, so why not make it designer? This one of a kind YSL tote is made with canvas, then uses a touch of black leather on the logo and straps. This is a great substitution to your usual work bag, as it can fit all your necessities including a laptop.
For the list of designer bags that aren’t basic, this Prada bag is surely on my favorites list. What I love most about this Prada bag is how it is made of Re-Nylon which is a regenerated nylon yarn produced from recycled, purified plastic trash collected in the ocean, fishing nets and textile waste fibers. This is a great choice as it encompasses sustainability mixed with that designer touch seen throughout the iconic metal triangle logo
If you’re looking for a bag to rock on Valentine’s Day, look no further. Kate Spade’s Love Shack Heart Purse definitely fits the list of designer bags that aren’t basic considering the obvious, that the bag is shaped as a heart. The light pink shade is my personal favorite, but the bag also comes in red and black and white polka dots as well.
Last but not least, I had to include a Rebecca Minkoff bag on the list of designer bags that aren’t basic. Rebecca Minkoff has always been one of my favorite designers that is a bit more affordable than others on this list. I have always been a fan of her Edie Maxi Shoulder Bag in black, but this purple shade is a great alternative if you’re looking for something that’ll stand out!
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