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10 Cute Date Ideas Around IU

10 Cute Date Ideas Around IU

Indiana University isn’t just a place for studying! Whether you’re adventurous or just like good food, IU has the perfect date spot for you. Take your special someone and enjoy all Bloomington has to offer! Keep reading for 10 cute date ideas around IU!

1. Pack a picnic and head to Dunn Meadow.

This is the perfect place to have a romantic date. Sit by the Jordan River and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you. This date is especially perfect in the fall. Watch the vibrant red, orange, and yellow leaves slowly fall from the trees, while snuggling next to your cute guy. It’s sure to be a romantic date you’ll never forget!



2. Make your mark at Mother Bear’s.

The best pizza in Bloomington is a great place to cozy up with your date. Enjoy the mouth-watering food and maybe write your names in a heart on the booth. Your date is guaranteed to go well because no one leaves Mother Bear’s unhappy!


3. Attend Salsa Night at Serendipity!

Serendipity, a trendy bar in downtown Bloomington, will let you get close to your date. Learn some new dance moves and something new about your gal/guy. You know what they say about women and men who can dance!


4. Jump off the Quarry.

If you’re looking for an adventurous date this is the one for you. Rooftop Quarry is about a 10-minute drive away from IU. The thrill of jumping off the cliff and into the water-filled quarry below is something you and your date will never forget.



5. Kirkwood and CoCo

Around Christmas time downtown Bloomington is lit up with lights hanging from every building. Grab a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy the mesmerizing views.


6. Support your Hoosiers!

One thing IU students all have in common is their love for the Hoosiers! So why not take your date to watch a game? Most of the games are free with your student ID and they often give out t-shirts. Every time your date wears that shirt they’ll think of you.



7. Mama Mia is coming to IU!

That’s right! The Broadway play Mama Mia is coming to the IU Auditorium this year! Get dressed up and fall in love, while watching this up-lifting musical.

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8. Try out the nearby Comedy Club.

The Comedy Attic in downtown B-Town will give you a six pack from laughing so hard. The tables are small so you’ll be sure to cuddle up next to your date. If you’re looking for a snack, their popcorn is almost better than at the movie theater.



9. Enjoy Pizza X and Protection.

A popular place for late night pizza delivery that will send you a special gift if your date turns intimate! Simply say, “I would like sprinkles with that” and they’ll put a condom in your pizza box. College students have to be safe!


10. Bowling by the Biddle.

The bowling alley located near the Biddle Hotel will spark some healthy competition between you and your cute date! Celebrate every strike with a kiss that lights fireworks.

What are some other good date ideas around IU? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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