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10 Crystals You Should Add To Your Collection

10 Crystals You Should Add To Your Collection

10 Crystals You Should Add To Your Collection

Crystals are said to have special healing benefits that can help draw out negative energy. There are so many types of crystals, and each one has unique properties. Whether you are just getting into crystals, or already have a collection, here are 10 crystals that you should definitely look into getting.

1. Amethyst

Amethyst is one of the most widely recognized crystals, as its gorgeous purple shade is hard to forget. It is said to be a natural tranquilizer, that can help relieve stress, anxiety, depression, fear, and sadness. Amethyst is the perfect crystal to have when you are going through a rough patch, or have had a hectic day and need some calm.

I like to keep my Amethyst on my nightstand, so it can be close to me during the night. Sometimes, I put a small Amethyst stone under my pillow as well.


A lot of the time, you can find large Amethyst clusters at your local crystal shop. These are not only great to have for the healing properties, but they are amazing decor pieces as well!

2. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is another crystal you may have already heard of. This crystal is all about love. It can help attract love into your life. This love may either be romantic or platonic, or it can even enhance the love you have for yourself.

This crystal is a beautiful pale pink shade, with a tad of translucency.


Rose Quartz works by opening your heart to accept love while strengthening your physical heart and circulatory system. It is perfect to carry around with you! I wear mine as a necklace on most days and keep a crystal in my purse with me as well.

3. Carnelian

This is one of my favorite crystals in my collection! The color of Carnelian can range, some may be pale orange, bright orange, various shades of red, or even brown.

Carnelian can help instill self-confidence and courage. This crystal is also great to have at your desk or workspace, as it will help boost analytical abilities and motivation. It also enhances drive and ambition!


I keep a small Carnelian tumbled stone on my desk, and I have been wearing my Carnelian bracelet almost every day since I got it!

4. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is amazing to have for protection. This crystal can soak up any negative energy in the area that it is placed. Not only can it purify a space, but it can also cleanse your body of negative thoughts, anger, and anxieties as well.

You can wear Black Tourmaline as jewelry, carry it in your pocket, place it in your bedroom/anywhere in your house, or keep it in your car. So many possibilities!


Having this crystal around can diminish any fears and promote more self-confidence. As for the physical healing properties it has, Black Tourmaline can detox the body and strengthen the immune system.

5. Selenite

Selenite is another protection stone. It can create a calm and safe environment, while it cleanses the surrounding space. Perfect for your home or in the workplace! Selenite can also cleanse and charge your other crystals, so it is vital to have in your collection!

I have a Selenite wand, that I like to place a few crystals on top of to cleanse them. Having a larger Selenite piece that sits around your crystals is also great to have.


6. Malachite

Malachite is a beautiful crystal, and the green bands are definitely eye-catching. This crystal absorbs negative energy and encourages change. It works by flushing out toxic emotions and helps you to release old traumas. Another amazing ability of this stone is that it can help turn your dreams and inner thoughts into reality.

Malachite is also great for physical healing, as it can help reduce blood pressure, help with menstrual pain, and is great for bones and muscles.

7. Rhodochrosite

If you are looking to bring more love into your life, Rhodochrosite is essential for you to have. This stunning pink crystal opens up your heart chakras to attract love and romance.


It can also help heal emotional wounds from the past and restore your trust in your relationships. Rhodochrosite has the ability to lift depression, giving you a more cheerful and positive outlook on life.

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8. Angelite

Angelite represents peace. This baby blue stone connects you to angels and spirit guides. It is an amazing healing crystal that can help instill calm.


When you are feeling overwhelmed, or overly stressed, Angelite is perfect to carry with you. I carry a small Angelite stone in my purse.

This crystal also can assist with physical ailments. It helps with infections, different diseases, headaches, and problems with the heart. Finally, if you are trying to lose weight, this crystal can help with that.

9. Blue Lace Agate

Another beautiful blue crystal. Blue Lace Agate is easily distinguished by the layered bands, in all different shades of blue.


This crystal can improve your communication, and is another one that helps with calmness and reduces feelings of stress and anxiety.

The physical healing elements of this crystal include relieving sore throats and tension headaches and helping thyroid problems. Blue Lace Agate can also stimulate the digestive system when placed on the abdomen.

10. Green Aventurine

This crystal has the ability to bring good luck and wealth. A lot of people like to carry Green Aventurine with them when they are dealing with financials, such as paying bills, doing their taxes, or attending job interviews.


Green Aventurine can also encourage the carrier to step out of their comfort zone and puts them towards the path of new opportunities.

Personally, I like to wear my Green Aventurine necklace when I am having a bad day, in hopes to get some good luck. I also keep a small tumbled Green Aventurine crystal in my purse to carry around with me.

What other crystals do you think are essential to have in a collection? Let us know in the comments below!

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