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10 Best Ways to Reduce Stress

10 Best Ways to Reduce Stress

Want some easy ways to reduce stress levels? Read below to get some ideas you can start implementing into your routine!

Petting your animals

Interacting with animals decreases levels of cortisol and lower blood pressure. You will be in a better mood and will feel less lonely snuggling with your pet. I love to hug my puppy when I’m really stressed or upset. They will also appreciate the extra love and attention from you. It is something you can do while watching TV, taking a break from work, or about to go to bed. It is something that only takes a few minutes out of your day and will make you feel a whole lot better.


Spend time with your loved ones

There is no better way to de-stress and stop worrying like spending time with friends and family. You can all do a group activity such as watching a movie and going to the park. You can relax and have time to reset. Put the phone down and stop answering your emails. You can also have them as support for your current situation and they can offer advice on things you may be unsure on. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. We all need some time to get away, even just for a few hours.

Take a bath

Taking a bath is a great time to spend all by yourself with no distractions. You can put in some bubble bath or a bath bomb to have it smelling good and looking pretty. You can think more clearly and plan your goals for the rest of the day. You can also read or watch a show if you tend to get bored. You can spend time doing your skincare routine and applying lotion onto your body. Taking some time to yourself to be completely alone will help you be ready to take on the rest of your day or the next morning.


Chewing Gum 

Chewing gum can reduce stress and anxiety. It is always something you can always have in your bag in case of emergency situations. It also helps your breath smell better which is always a plus. I like to chew gum before going into stressful situations because it gives me something to focus on. It also can help get your mind off of whatever you are stressed about. There are also many different flavors to pick from, I prefer more mint flavors over fruit. 


Listening to Music

Music is a simple way to reduce stress and put your mind at ease. It also can help you focus if you have a lot of work to complete. It also helps a lot of people fall asleep, with genres like meditation music or classical. Different songs and artists are something we can all find hope and similarity in. I like to start my day listening to upbeat positive music to help me prepare for what is to come. You can play music while writing, drawing, cleaning it is something you can regularly incorporate into your routine.

Keeping a Journal

Journaling is a way to clear your head and physically see all your ideas in front of you. It also helps you come up with solutions to your problems because you can connect where these thoughts are coming from. You can also see patterns in your behavior, you can notice usually when you feel upset or frustrated. You can list what you are planning to do as well, so you don’t have to worry about remembering multiple tasks at once. It is something solely for you, and no one can judge or say anything about what you want to write about.


Get enough sleep

Getting more sleep decreases cortisol levels and restores balance to the body’s system. Sleep impacts judgment, memory, and mood. Sleep will have you feeling more refreshed and calm during the day, you will have more energy to do your daily tasks. You will be patient and handle situations a lot more effectively. Having a more organized sleep schedule will also help you manage your time, because you will not be staying up half the night trying to complete your assignments.

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Meditation puts you in a deep state of relaxation and you can control your body and mind. If you meditate regularly, you are more centered and can handle stressful situations better than before. It is something you can practice at any point of time and anywhere, you can do it on the beach or the park if you want. You are present in the current moment, you are not thinking of the next week or next month. It is also something you can get better and better at, the more you do it the more focused and relaxed you will be.



A balanced diet can support a healthy immune system and stabilize blood sugar levels. Sugary foods and caffeine will make you more stressed and lose sleep. Skipping meals will also result in you being tired and irritable. When you are stressed, you may tend to overeat to try to cope with it, but it will leave you feeling bloated and in discomfort. Planning what you want to eat in advance will also reduce stress, because after a long day at work the last thing you want to do is staring at your fridge trying to figure out what to cook.

Being active

Exercise pumps up your endorphins and improves your mood. You can relax and build-up self confidence.You are more alert and concentrated, you also will be less tired throughout the day. It will also help you get a better night’s sleep. You will have more energy throughout the day, leading to you being more productive. You will be less stressed about your physical health as well. It also is just a fun way to do activities such as hiking or swimming.


What is your favorite way to relieve stress? Do you prefer doing things like taking a bath or going to the gym? Let us know in the comments below!