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10 Beauty Tips For Pale Skin

10 Beauty Tips For Pale Skin

It is so strange to be living in a time when pale skin isn’t considered as beautiful anymore. It seems like you have to have sun kissed skin to be accepted as beautiful on social media sites. Well, some of us aren’t sun kissed. We are sun slapped. We burn and then go right back to a pale complexion. So here are ten simple beauty tips for all you beautiful, sun-slapped vampires out there.

1. Light Contouring

I have extremely pale skin, and the great thing about it is that I don’t have to spend a whole bunch of money on an elaborate contour kit. I use a simple blush and bronzing contour by Elf which is available at Target for $3. I absolutely love it. Just use some blush on your cheekbones and bronzer on the bridge of your nose, chin and around the outer rim of your face. Don’t forget the neck!


I also recently just got a full contour kit at BH Cosmetics for $10 and I really don’t have to do a lot with it either, simply because of my fair, pale skin tone. A little goes a long way – remember that ladies!

2. Lipsticks: Dos and Don’ts

Please do: To all my pale ladies out there, please stick with red and pink lipstick shades. Yes, you can rock that classic red. No, you won’t look weird. Also you can rock a hot pink or even a pale soft pink. You could maybe even throw in a little purple here and there. Also, try deep nudes. I recently purchased a liquid matte lipstick by The Balm Cosmetics called “Meet Matt(e) Hughes” in the Charming shade, which is a darker pinkish nude. I absolutely love it. I receive so many compliments when I wear it. It’s an excellent shade for a fair skin tone.


Please try not to (we will still love you if you do): Stay away from the darker, almost brown, neutral colors. Yes, they are gorgeous shades, but just not for you and me. As for black lipstick, please wear the right attire if you choose this shade. Don’t wear light colors with a dark lipstick. You’ll look like a vampire from Buffy. However, I’ll address fashion tips later on! Moving on…

3. Foundation

Having the right foundation and making sure that it matches your skin is extremely important. It took me years to find the right foundation. I always found my face and neck looking darker than the rest of my body. Finally, I discovered Bare Minerals foundation, which now comes in original plus a matte foundation! I have pale skin, but I have a slight pinkish tone as well. So I use the “Fairly Light” shade which is the second palest shade. It works amazingly and blends really well into my skin tone – and it only costs around $23!


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4. Avoid Spray Tanning

No one likes to look like a carrot. To my beautiful pale ladies: do not spray tan because you will come out looking like a carrot. If you want to add color to your skin, try getting out in the sun every once in a while, but be sure to use sunscreen. Do not go to tanning beds, because we all know that it can cause more damage in the long run. The best solution is to just embrace your beauty. It’s okay to be pale. I promise.

5. Hair Dye

Ladies, if you’re going to dye your hair, you are going to want your hair to be a color that flatters your skin tone! Red, all shades of brown, and black hair look very flattering against a pale complexion.

6. Fashion

Every single person has their own style, their own look, and their own way of expressing themselves. Well here are just a few helpful tips to dress when you have a pale complexion. Be bold. Wear that blue dress, or the emerald green top. Nudes and neutral colors are very popular and unfortunately for those of us with pale complexions, those colors will wash us out. The fabric will almost blend with our skin. So ladies, don’t be afraid of having a bold, colorful wardrobe! Embrace it and be fabulous!

See Also
The Best Foundation For Oily Skin On Any Budget

7. Eyeliner and Mascara

With your pale complexion, ladies, it is better to wear dark brown or even black mascara and eyeliner. It will make your eyes pop against your pale skin!

8. Concealer

Unfortunately, blemishes and irritation show up easier with a pale complexion. Try a green concealer, and it will neutralize the redness of the skin. I have been using my NYX concealer for about a year now, and I absolutely love it!


9. A Healthy Diet

Many people don’t consider their diet when talking about beauty, however a healthy diet can do amazing things for your skin! Eating a healthy dose of fresh fruits and veggies will help your skin appear brighter and clearer.

10. Drink Water

As mentioned before with the healthy diet, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help make your skin appear clearer and more beautiful.

So, ladies, it isn’t a bad thing to be pale! You are all beautiful, so embrace your pale skin! Be bold, wear those colorful clothes, put on the red lipstick, and don’t forget to grab an apple before heading out!

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